Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wilson Family Christmas

We celebrated our Wilson Christmas this week also... my Mom came down for a few days and Thursday afternoon Nick got off early so we decided to have our "Christmas celebration"  after doing a little shopping and going out to lunch at Pizza Ranch! :) Here is a look...

Owen was the LIFE of THE PARTY.... he was so silly the entire time! My Mom got the boys big bags with lots of clothes and presents inside and he went WILD going through it all... oh that boy!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Hamann Family Christmas

We were finally able celebrate Christmas last week at Dan & Kim's house with the Hamann family! Kim made a great dinner for us all and I made my favorite - strawberry pretzel dessert! - yum!! Then we moved on to the gift opening! The kids were so excited as usual!! They got lots of great presents from Nina and Papa and Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan - - THANK YOU all so much!! Here are a few photos from our night together.

Papa with all of the grandkids...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas at Home...

The weather didn't want to cooperate this year... so we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day at home instead of driving up to Ida Grove in the blizzard to spend it with our families. We will be celebrating with them each soon hopefully! :)

Nick got called into work for a bit on Christmas Eve and when he returned we decided to take the boys to see Alvin & the Chipmunks - The Squeakquel! It was such a cute movie... and the boys LOVED it!! :) Luckily... we went to a matinee so we got home just before we started getting the sleet/freezing rain in Waukee.

We spent the rest of the evening hanging out at home and watched Christmas movies with the boys and had an appetizer supper consisting of little smokies, canadian cheese and crackers! It was yummy and easy! :)

Then that evening before bed, Parker and Owen wanted to color pictures for Santa! They were precious! Parker colored Santa's sleigh and Rudolph and Owen colored the dinosaur he wanted for Christmas. Then Parker wrote Santa a letter reminding him that he wanted Hawkeye stuff for Christmas! :) It was precious! - - then we got a plate of cookies and a glass of milk ready for Santa and the boys were off to bed!

In the morning... Parker came into our room and asked if Santa had came yet! I told him to go see... and him and Owen ran downstairs and we back up in seconds screaming... "he came, he came!!! and he brought Owen a  guitar!" - - we all ran down to see what he brought and opened all the gifts! It was truly a GREAT Christmas morning! :)

Here's a look after Santa came...

Santa brought Parker a 2-wheeled scooter and hawkeye posters! :)

Santa brought Owen a guitar and a snow shovel to help daddy! :)

The boys sporting their Christmas shirts... "Naughty is the new Nice" - - kind of appropriate! :) hehe!

Owen was pretty excited to get boxing gloves for the Wii... boxing is his favorite game! :)

and then there was Tucker........ he made himself right at home... in the middle of it all! :) He had a blast chewing on the wrapping paper, chasing the kids and chewing on his new bones he got for Christmas! We were happy to have our new friend here for Christmas with us - - but sure did miss Ralph this Christmas!

Christmas morning breakfast! Pancakes and bacon... Mmmm :)

Christmas dinner! Ribeye, baked potato, fresh green beans, stuffing, and rolls... Mmmm! :)

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas... we will be sure to post more pictures after our celebration continues! :)