Friday, September 25, 2009

Dr. Appt

No pictures to post... but wanted to let everyone know that I had my 12 week dr. appt this morning and the baby's heartbeat was strong... about 165 she said! :) She scheduled an ultrasound for next week and said I will still have one mid-pregnancy as well. I lost 3 pounds... which I am sure is a combo of feeling so sick all of the time and losing my friend Julie... but nothing to be concerned with she said.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am posting with a heavy heart this morning... my courageous friend Julie has lost her battle with cancer at only 38 years old. She passed away early this morning at Methodist Hospital. We were able to visit her last night (which I am so grateful for) and now this morning she has went on to be with God. Please pray for her family and friends as they struggle with acceptance and moving forward without her here. She was loved by so many and her memory will be forever in our hearts. I am a better person for having known her. - - I love you Julie!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Parker's Play Date...

Today was the day Parker had been waiting for!!! Early out at school and most importantly a play date with his favorite friend from school... Aarav! Aarav lives in our development and also rides the same bus as Parker!! So today Aarav just got off with Parker at our bus stop and came to spend the afternoon with Parker! The boys had so much fun together... they dressed up in costumes, played every toy imaginable, played upstairs, downstairs and outside! They played hockey, baseball, on the swingset, basketball and the list goes on and on and on! :)

It was so fun watching them play... Aarav didn't want to go home! As soon as he left we had to run out for some errands and Parker fell asleep in the car... now to me, that's a sign of a good play date! :)

Here are a few pictures!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

John & Niki's Wedding

After the BIG game on Saturday... we took a nap and then got up and ready for John and Niki's wedding in Newton! John is Nick's boss (for those of you who don't know). We had a great time at the wedding... Niki looked beautiful!!! Here are some pictures from our night.

Parker took these of Nick and I :)

The HAPPY Couple...

The boys dancing the night away...

Our boys looking handsome to go to the wedding! :)

Hawkeyes vs. Cyclones - Game Day

Last Saturday was the BIG game... the Hawkeyes vs. the Cyclones... and the Hawks won!!! - 35-3!! Needless to say we had some happy campers at our table!! :) We met Robyn and Damion out for lunch to watch the game at Buffalo Wild Wings and had a GREAT time with them! The boys were a little wild... but we still had fun!! :) - right guys??? :)

Here are some pictures from our lunch out...

Parker's Photography...

Owen's Photography...

Nick and I did actually take a few photos too... :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Owen's FIRST Day of Preschool!

Some silly pictures... Owen is always being goofy!! :)

We walk Parker to the corner each morning to catch the bus and this morning was too cute... look at these boys... :)

And finally... when I went to pick him up from school... :) He was ALL SMILES!!! This boy is SOOO excited to get to be in school! :) He was just precious telling me about his day -- melts my heart! - I love him so much! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

This year Nick's company got season tickets to the I-Cubs for their employees to take advantage of! Lucky for us we found a weekend that worked for us all and we loaded up and headed to the game! :) Dan, Kim and the girls were able to join us as well! Other than forgetting sweatshirts... it was a fun game! Poor Parker was waiting all night to "catch the ball"! He was convinced that one would come our way and wouldn't even go to the bathroom without being sure that I would catch it for him if it came our way when he was gone. :) - - he is too funny! The girls did great... they even outlasted the boys! :) Thanks for joining us Edsen's... we had a great time! :)

A little pre-game fun! :)

The game...

and.... last but not least we went to the I-Cub store to get Parker his baseball since we never caught one... and who did we get to meet? CUBBIE!!! :)