Friday, July 30, 2010

4th of July FUN…

Urbandale Parade...

This has become an annual event for us... the boys LOVE the Urbandale parade (it is HUGE)!! This year we even got to see our cousin Hallie with Apex!!! :) - - Reese was in the parade too but we missed her (darn it)!! We got to sit in the shade this time around so it made for a GREAT time and little Drew slept almost the entire time! We were sitting by a great family... the guy reminded me of my dad - - just wanted to give him a big hug, but I refrained! :)


Tuckered out... :)

Owen after collecting all of his candy! - - He was ready for a nap!! :)

Waukee Parade...

It was rainy for the Waukee parade... but we did manage to snap one shot! :) The activities for the afternoon/evening were cancelled until the following weekend. It was such a bummer... but we did go the following weekend and spent the evening playing in the bounce houses and then watching fireworks with friends... unfortunately I forgot my camera tho! - - grrr!

Festive!!! :)

4th of July FUN at the neighbors...

We spent the 3rd celebrating at our neighbors house! We had a GREAT time and the kids were even willing to forgo the fireworks in Altoona to get to stay at 'Brady's House'!! :) We had a grill out... which was YUMMY and then spent the evening hanging out in the backyard! - - good ol' American fun!! :) They even had sparklers for the boys!! THANKS Brian and Ashley for a great time!! :)




Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hawkeye Country - - Visiting the Do Family

We went to Iowa City over the 4th to see my Aunt Marlene (my Dad's sister), Uncle Long and cousin Tanya! It had been awhile since we got to see them all so since Tanya was in town we thought it would be great to meet there for a quick visit... and for Tanya and Uncle Long to meet Drew (since Aunt Marlene met him over Memorial Day)!! We had lunch and did some shopping... it was a lot of fun!! - - definitely a GREAT meeting place! :)

At the restaurant...



Our goofy boys!

The boys playing at the mall...

Lovin' up on my baby boy!! :)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Sports...

The team... (not everyone was there on picture day)
Probably one of the only times Parker and Owen will be on the same team for sports!! :)

The COACHES and their boys after the 'SUPERBOWL' at Waukee stadium!! :)

This one says it all!! :)

What a GREAT time Parker had at flag football! His best neighbor buddy, Brady... his Daddy... and Brady's daddy, Brian all there with him! He had SO MUCH FUN!! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Aunt Carolyn (a.k.a. AUNTIE CAROLINA) came to Iowa for a visit!!! It was a short visit... but was SO GREAT to get to spend a little time with her! Owen and Drew had never met her yet... so it was exciting that they finally got to meet her! We had a good time talking and catching up! We even had STERZLING potato chips - - Aunt Carolyn's favorite! :)

Thanks for coming Auntie Carolina... we loved the time we spent with you!!