Tuesday, August 31, 2010

4 Months old

We had Drew's 4 month (actually 4-1/2 month) check-up today... and he is one HEALTHY boy!! :) He did NOT like the shots - - poor little guy was so happy and then he got his first shot and his little pouty face started and then he SCREAMED at the top of his lungs! :( Breaks my heart every time! Boy was he mad!

Owen also got checked out for a sore throat... but he was negative for strep and ended up having an ear infection! - - He is on yet another antibiotic and he hasn't complained once of any ear pain! He is such a trooper!

Here are the stats...
Parker (4 months)
WEIGHT 17.6lbs      LENGTH 26-3/4 in

Owen (4 months)
WEIGHT 18.2lbs      LENGTH 27-1/4 in

Drew (4 months)
WEIGHT 20.0lbs      LENGTH 27-1/4 in

As you can see.......... DREW IS A BIG BOY!!!! :) We are so happy he is healthy... we love those little boys so much and feel very blessed to have them in our lives!

Monday, August 30, 2010

A little bit of LOVE...

Owen is such a GREAT big brother!! He is always helping me out and LOVES to hug, cuddle, kiss and hold his baby brother... melts my heart! :)

We were lucky to have a visitor a week or so ago... Candi, Reese and Piper (but Piper was sleeping)! Even though it was a short visit... it was GREAT getting to see them!! Reese needed some cuddle time with Drew too!! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of 1st Grade

Our little guy is already a FIRST GRADER! Hard to believe... but he is DEFINITELY excited about it! :) His first day of school was Wednesday, August 25th! His school is BRAND NEW this year... so some exciting changes! Also his neighbor friends (Brady & Dylan) are in kindergarten... so he LOVES getting to see them at school! Such an exciting time!! Here are a few photos before we headed off to the bus stop! :)
And one at school... yes we followed the bus to watch him get off! hehehe!! :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Drew & Bodi

One of the weekends we were in Ida Grove we swung by the Smith's cabin in Lakeview so we could meet little Bodi! Bodi is Nikki Dausel's little man!! -- He is such a little cutie and him and Drew hit it off!! :) - - they are just a couple of weeks apart! By the end of the photo shoot they were holding hands!! :) hehehe!

Monday, August 23, 2010


We had one last summer 'FUN DAY' - - the kids wanted to go to Adventureland before school started... so off we went on Sunday! :)

The boys & I on the ferris wheel! :)
Our little pilots! :)
All of my BOYS!!! :)

Even little Drew enjoyed the trip! We spent most of our time in the water near the bar (since it was the only shaded area)! We still got too much sun! :(

Sunday, August 22, 2010


We have just reduced our home $5K... we are READY to find something larger!! If you know of anyone looking for a home in WAUKEE... please send them our way! Check out our HOUSE BLOG... http://www.635redbudct.blogspot.com/!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

15 Year Class Reunion

We had our 15 year class reunion this weekend at the Country Club in Ida Grove!! As usual... it was great getting to see everyone from high-school! The turn out wasn't that great this time... hopefully our 20 year is better!! :) Nick and I weren't able to golf this time since we were busy with Mom's house... but we had a great time having dinner and drinks with everyone! - - THANK YOU Nina & Papa Hamann for watching the boys for us! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Owen & Drew...

A couple of pictures of the boys... from when we were at Nina & Papa Hamann's house!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Swimming at Nina & Papa Hamann's

This month the boys have gotten in a TON of swimming at Nina & Papa Hamann's house!! Nick and I have been busy remodeling my Mom's house to sell so she can move closer to us... and the boys stayed with Nina & Papa Hamann! THANK YOU Nina & Papa for all of you help!!! - - we couldn't have got it all done without you!

While at Nina & Papa's house Nina taught Parker & Owen how to tie their shoes!!! - - Parker kept getting frustrated with Nick and I so we told him to ask Nina... and he did! :) He does GREAT and Owen is doing well but still needs more practice on his shoe-tying skills! - - THANK YOU NINA!!! What a HUGE help you have been!

Here are some photos of the boys swimming!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Indianola Balloon Classic

We took the boys to the annual Balloon Classic in Indianola again this year! - -they love it!! We had a great time as usual (although we missed our friends Brenton & Alicia this year)!! The kids had a blast doing all the rides and then we grabbed some supper and watch the balloons!! - - it was SO HOT out though so we didn't stay real late this year. Here's a look...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby Shower...

Ok... so I know this is pathetic.... I went back to Ida Grove for my best friend from high school - Robyn's baby shower and wouldn't you know it... I didn't get one picture of her little cutie! Her name is:


and she is just beautiful! I will have to snag a picture from Robyn so you can all see her!! :)

At the shower I was able to catch up with a few other highschool friends as well!! It was great getting to see everyone... and I am super excited for our 15-year reunion later this summer!! :) 

Me, Dana, Robyn and Jen

Dana & Drew... Drew was a fussy little guy for almost ALL of the shower!! :(

Friday, August 6, 2010

Slip & Slide...

For Owen's birthday Meredith (a.k.a. Aunt Mere) got Owen a Spiderman Slip & Slide!! Owen was so excited to try it out so we played in it at daycare a few weeks ago!! We need to get it out more on these hot days too!!! Here are some pictures of Parker and Owen having a BLAST!! :) - - Thanks Mere!! :)

