Monday, October 11, 2010

Ladwig FUN!! :)

Reese had an appointment in Rochester so I got to watch Hallie and Piper! We had a FUN day! We went shopping for craft supplies (and saw Hallie's ART teacher at Hobby Lobby - :)), painted, colored, made lunch together and spent the day having FUN!

Painting pumpkins...


Cuddle Time... :)
Making Lunch...
The kids wanted to help and we were having chicken nuggets... so they each counted out some nuggets and put them on the pan! ha! :)


Friday, October 8, 2010

Deals Orchard - Pumpkin Patch

Don & Jane invited us to meet them (and the Edsen family) at Deal's Orchard in Jefferson on Saturday!! We spent the day at the orchard and then went to Pizza Ranch for lunch and presents for the kids from Nina and Papa!
It was a BEAUTIFUL day... it doesn't get any better than this weather in October!! We all had a great time... the boys did sand art, made ropes, played a pumpkin toss game, picked out pumpkins, rode pony's and the list goes on!!! There was so much to do! :) Here is a peak at our day!

Pony Riding...
Both Parker and Owen LOVED getting to ride the ponies... what a FUN experience for them! :)
Rope Making...
Each of the older two boys got to make their own ropes! They thought it was pretty great! :)

Hay Ride...
We took a hay ride around the orchard.

The PATCH...
Parker and Owen picked out their own pumpkins (and one for Drew too)!

Riding back in the wagon! :)

The Gifts...
We went to Pizza Ranch for lunch and Nina & Papa gave the kids their Halloween presents! They were so excited... Nina and Papa gave GREAT gifts! Jammies, Build-a-Bear outfits, paints, etc. Thanks Nina & Papa!! :)

More FuN! :)

THANK YOU Nina & Papa for inviting us... we had a GREAT time! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


We went to Keokuk for the weekend to see my dad's side of the family! It's always great getting to see everyone and spend time together like old times... although it always makes me miss dad! Grandma & Grandpa are doing well and I treasure the time we get to spend with them... they are 81 years old!!

This trip back I was able to see my friends Kathy (Rupp) Burkhammer and Chris (Albright) Ison! I try to see Kathy almost every trip back... but I have not seen Chris since 8th grade!!! - - it was great getting to talk to her and catch up! She looks just like she did in 8th grade... times been good to her! :)

Here are a few pictures from our visit!!