Saturday, February 26, 2011

In the News...

Parker and his best friend/neighbor made the DM Register!!! Their picture was in the paper for playing basketball for Waukee Parks and Rec! Parker LOVES playing... he has became quite the basketball player!! We are so glad that Parker and Brady got to do this together! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day...

Nina Wilson sent the boys money in their cards this year for Valentine's day! Drew's went in his bank account, but the older 2 boys wanted to go shopping... and here's what they got. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Family FUN at the Y...

Our church (Point of Grace) had a family FUN night at the YMCA on a Sunday night! All of the church members could go and swim, play in the gym, do crafts, jump rope, etc.  It was GREAT... it was only open to us (since they normally close early on Sundays) so we got the whole place to ourselves and the kids had a blast!! :) Our friends Kim & Jay and their kids Jessica and Kyle came too... the kids and daddy's all played together while us Mommy's got to chat!! :) We hope they do this again... it was a great family outing!! :)

Nick doing the HIGH DIVE for the boys!! :)

All my silly boys... :)

Kyle, Jay and Jessica! :)
At the GYM...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Going going...... crash!

Our little Drew is trying so hard to walk!! He took his first steps on Friday, January 28th and keeps trying everyday to master this skill! :) He has lots of falls along the way, but it sure is sweet watching him build up his confidence and try to get from one place to the next all by himself! :)

I will post a video as soon as we get one - - he has been hard to catch on video! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our little Chunky Monkey...

Sorry I can't figure out how to rotate it!?!?!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentine's Presents...

Nina and Papa Hamann came to visit last weekend and brought little Drew his first Valentine's present! He had lots of help from little miss Caroline with opening his present, because he was more interested in the paper! ha! He got an adorable 'First V-day' bib, a book, and more! The rest of us got cards... and inside were certificates for admission to King's Pointe in Storm Lake!!! It's a water park... and everyone is VERY excited to go!! We go in March, so pics will be posted then! :) THANKS Nina & Papa!! :)

Such a cute little Valentine! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Parker and Owen wanted to build a snowman the other day but it was SOOOO Cold!! I told them that I couldn't take Drew outside so we would have to do it another day... but they had a different idea... they went out in the backyard and built one on their own right atthe bottom of the steps. Here it is...

So cute!!! - - melts my heart! :) I LOVE our boys! :)