Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween :)

What an EVENTFUL Halloween this year!!! There was a skating party, a party at school, a party at the Community Hall and of course trick-or-treating!! :) It was lots of fun!! :)


School Parties...

Community Hall Party...

Skate Palace...
And Parker won the LIMBO too!! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall FUN!!!

Parker's class had a pumkin decorating contest... and of course Parker had to decorate his pumpkin as  a BEARS football player!! :)

We made our annual trip to DEAL's Orchard with the Hamann and Edsen families this year!! It was fun, but next year we think we will go during their Fall Festival since there is more to see and do during that time! :)

Afterwards we spent the night in Des Moines and invited some of our friends to come swim with us at the Hotel!! The Erickson's and Grisham's came!!! It was sooo nice getting to spend time with everyone and the kids had a blast too!! ;)

HALLOWEEN Bunco Party!! :)
Julie Godberson hosted the Halloween Bunco Party and invited us to come!! It was a KIDS party where they actually got to play bunco instead of the adults!!! They all had fun and their costumes were so fun!! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Owen and his BFF ;)

Owen LOVES LOVES LOVES Cole!!! We drove by and saw him out mowing and HAD to stop!! :) COle took Owen for a little ride!! ;) Cole is such a SWEET boy!! :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


Here are some of my FAVORITE ladies!!! --- MOMEE Time!! :)