Saturday, March 31, 2012


It's here... It's here!!! MOVING DAY!!! We are FINALLY moving into our own home again!!! While the last several months has presented its challenges... there wasn't a time that we weren't grateful for our circumstances... we would do it all again if we had to! God has been so good to us!!

I must admit tho... we didn't think this day was ever going to come!! ;) THANK YOU to everyone who has helped with remodeling and moving... we are SOOO THANKFUL for each of you!!! :)

Parker's bed is ready to sleep in...

Owen's bed is ready to sleep in...

Our bed is ready to sleep in...

The boys' bathroom is almost ready too...

Drew has a toy room again!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kindergarten Field Trip

I got the pleasure of going on the kindergarten field trip to the Bower Dairy Farm in Battle Creek!!! :) It was sooo much FUN and I learned more than the kids I think!! I loved getting to tag along!! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Las Vegas Night

Tonight was Las Vegas Night at the High School! There were games, raffles, etc. for the kids! The boys had fun and LOVE getting to see their friends out and about (this didn't happen too often in Waukee)!! :)

Parker, Jaxson and Owen!! :)

Owen and Jaxson!! :)

Parker and Beau!! :)

Drew and Brylie!! :)