Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lunch with my 3 FAVORITE Boys...

Mom, the boys and I ran to Sioux City for the day for my appointment at CNOS and stopped at Culvers for lunch!! We LOVE Culvers!!! They have the BEST Reuben!! :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Brylie's Birthday...

We got to help Brylie celebrate her 2nd birthday at the Rec Center yesterday!!! The boys all had a great time!! Drew LOVES his Bry-EEE!!!! :)

Happy Birthday OWEN!!!

Another year has gone by... and our sweet little Owen John is another year older!!! He has made it thru kindergarten, mastered riding his bike, spends as much time as possible playing with his friends, likes to pick at his brothers, and still cuddles his Mom and Dad! :) We are very proud of our little 6 year old!

Owen wanted a GREEN BAY PACKERS birthday party out at Moorehead Park... so I did my best at making a cake (something I really enjoy getting to do - and getting to eat!! ha!) and then I coordinated all of the rest of the items to go with his theme!! :)

He got tons of GREEN BAY items and football items... and had a GREAT birthday with his friends and family!!! :) HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY Owen!!! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Surgery Schueduled

I have been having major back, leg and nerve pain and while it is much worse now... I have been dealing with the pain for about 2 years! :( I have seen a chiropractor, had a hip injection (before we knew it was my back), tried PT, had epidurals, x-rays, MRI's etc. etc!! It has been a LONG painful process! Dr. Veltri referred me to see the Spine Specialist when he came to Ida Grove and we have determines that I have Congenitive Spondylolisthesi... what?? Here is a link if you are interested in reading more about it! :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listhesis

Basically... this is what my back looks like...

With that being said... surgery to correct this problem is scheduled for June 5th! It was originally going to be in September, but with all of the work we did on the house I caused more slipping and my spine was resting on my bladder. If we wait, I will risk permanent bladder damage... so June 5th it is!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Track and Field Day

The boys had Track and Field Day today up at the highschool... I wasn't able to get a good picture of Owen up close but snapped one of Parker and Evan!! :)

And although I know you don't need to see a picture of my legs, I have to show you what the sun reflecting off of the bleachers did to me today!!! I even had on sunscreen... but didn't do the sides of my legs!! OUCH!!! :(

Friday, May 11, 2012


Traci invited a few of us to have a GIRLS NIGHT OUT!! We went to Lake View and had dinner and a few drinks!!! It was so much fun getting to chat and catch up!! - - The next day was not so pretty for me... it had been TOO LONG since I have had even 1 drink (let alone 3) and I was definitely feeling it! I think I will stick to DIET COKE next time!! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


LOVE these ladies!!! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NO MORE Training Wheels!!

He got it... he finally got it!!! Owen has tried a few different times to ride his bike without training wheels and just couldn't keep from wobbling... but today... he got it!!! :) YEAH OWEN!!! :)