Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sleepover FUN!!

Parker was invited to sleep over at a friends house last night after football... so Owen wanted to have a sleep over too!! Lucky for him... he got DOUBLE the FUN with Ethan AND Avery!! :) They are our neighbors across the street and we LOVE getting to play with them! :) Drew and Avery usually hang out (she tells me she thinks he's a cute baby)!! :) And Owen and Ethan play GREAT together, so it was a night of FUN!! :)

This morning Avery wanted to play with playdough... and I am nt gonna lie, I LOVE playing with playdough too, so I got to join in the fun!! :) Here they all are... :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Nick has a few days of vacation to use up before his NEW YEAR (10th year that is) at Jetco starts in September!!! So this is his week... he took Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off and we are trying to get things finished up (or at least as far as we can) in the kitchen!! :) Here is my honey hard at work on our outlets!! We will FINALLY have more than 1 outlet to use!!! WOOHOO!! :)

First Day of School 2012

It is so hard to believe that this time is here aleady.... BACK TO SCHOOL! :(This summer went WAY too fast with me being in bed for most - - well ALL of it!! :(

Parker is starting 3rd Grade and Owen is starting 1st grade!!! {sniff sniff}

Here are some pictures of my little guys before their BIG day!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dinner with the Lansinks

Nick is out of town this week and we got invited to the Lansink's or dinner!! :) We got to make our own pizza's and then Jodi had some AMAZING pumpkin bars that she made herself!!! :) SO PROUD of her BAKING skills!! :) Go Jodi!!! :)

THANK YOU for the invite... and THANK YOU Ellie for all of your help!! :)

Friday, August 10, 2012


Our summer basically consisted of... GOING TO THE POOL! :) Since I was BED bound... I couldn't do much and at the pool I could at least LAY DOWN on the loungers!! :) Here are a few pics!!

Their FORT!!! :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012


We took advantage of the TAX FREE WEEKEND and went to Des Moines for a little FUN and shopping before school starts!!! We got to see some of our FAVORITE friends on the trip!!!! :) We made a stop at our neighbors and got to bring Brady along to the hotel with us!!! Then after a FULL day shopping and visiting friends on Saturday we had dinner with the Erickson's!!! :) Sunday was church at POINT OF GRACE and then a few more stops to visit and then on our way back home! We sure miss Waukee and all of our friends there!!! {sniff sniff}

Our HOTEL Friday night.... Courtesty of Uncle Bubba!! :) THANK YOU!!! :)

This really WAS a tax free kind of weekend... not just TAX FREE... but HOTEL FREE too!!! :) My brother got us a free room in Altoona Friday night at the NEW Prairie Meadows Hotel and then on Saturday night our old neighbors (the Grisham's) got us a FREE room at the Holiday Inn on Mills Civic by Jordan Creek!!! We SCORED this weekend!!! A weekend of FUN and lodgin was included!! :) THANK YOU Grisham's and Uncle Bubba!! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Salads at Sunset

I was so fortunate to get to attend a wonderful evening with some of the GREATEST girls around!! Salads at Sunset!!! Kathi Johnson hosted the event at her Mom & Dad's cabin in Storm Lake and Jean Hoffman spoke! It was sooo much fun!!! I will definitely be marking my calendar each year for this event!!! -- THANKS for driving Jodi!!! :) Thanks again for the use of your photos -- no camera again!! ;)

I love these ladies...