Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

Happy New Year! We didn't make it til midnight with the kiddos, so we had our celebration a little early so they all could get to bed a decent time! :) We had a FUN night celebrating with the Remer family! We went all out... had sparkling cider for the kids, party hats, noise makers, etc! They had a blast! We had a steak dinner with side dishes and lots of yummy appetizers too! We are so glad the Remer's could celebrate with us! Praying 2014 is a GREAT year!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day with the Hamann's

We went over to Nina and Papa Hamann's as soon as we were all done at our house to celebrate Christmas Day with the Edsen family and Nina and Papa! As always we all got great gifts and lunch was wonderful! THANK YOU all for the gifts and the wonderful day! Merry Christmas!

The Hamann boys in their UNDER ARMOUR sweatshirts!

Merry Christmas from the Hamann's

Our Christmas Card 2013...


Christmas Morning at Home

Owen woke us all up BRIGHT and EARLY Christmas morning! :) He came running into our room and said, "Santa came!" We all jumped out of bed and went downstairs to find that he really DID come! :)

Stockings and presents from Santa... (a new TRAMPOLINE!!)

Even Wrigley gets a gift! :)

I got my KitchenAid Mixer I have wanted forever!!! --- THANK YOU Nick!! :)

Merry Christmas from the Hamann's!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

We did our annual tradition of 1 present on Christmas Eve... but this year I added a little twist! I found a great idea on Pinterest (imagine that) to add hot cocoa and popcorn and movies to their gift and make it more of a family movie night in our new jammies... so that's exactly what I did! :) They LOVED it... and so did Nick and I! We had a great night as a family!

Our Christmas Decor...

Everyone is in bed and Santa stopped by...

Christmas Eve Day 2013 with the Wilson's

We celebrated Christmas with Matt and Mom at our house this year! We had a fire in the fireplace and it was nice and cozy! The boys got lots of great presents from Nina and Uncle Bubba! We enjoyed having them here!