Friday, February 22, 2013

Our Union Soldier

Mrs. Ludvigson's and Mrs. Glawe's 3rd grade classes had a Patriotic Program for their mothers on Thursday at the school! It was such a GREAT program... my only complaint is that I wish dad's and grandparents could have came to see it too! --- I forgot to bring my camcorder so I didn't get it recorded! :( 

The program covered several significant events from our country's history... Parker was a union soldier from the Civil War. We ended up ordering a costume online... and will re-use it at Halloween! ;) He had 2 speaking parts (conversing with the confederate soldier) and did GREAT! :)

Some of Parker's friends in the program were:
Beau Neiman - Confederate Soldier
Beau McCormick - Teddy Roosevelt
Evan VanHouten - Paul Revere
Jackson Godberson - George Washington
Jaxson Claussen - Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We could hear the pitter patter of little feet and a giggle here and there... but we knew they would make their way to their beds and be asleep by the time we came upstairs for bed!! To our surprise... this is what we found when we came up... 

I must say... Their days are often spent fighting... but their nights prove they LOVE each other!!!! -- we sure do love those boys!!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


It has been awhile since we have taken the boys bowling... so we joined the Mason family this weekend and went bowling for a few hours!! I only got one picture of our night out... :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Old Friends...

Tonight Erin celebrated her 30th birthday... and Nick and I actually got a sitter and went out for a bit!! :) Here is a picture of 4 of us girls (missing Erin!!! - darn it) from back in the day!! --- We used to spend EVERY weekend with these girls and their guys!! Sure miss spending time with them all!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mommy and Her Boys...

We were in Des Moines this weekend to show the house to some potential renters... and got to see a few good friends while we were there!! Mere and Jonny come over to our hotel room to see us and surprised us with champagne and a card and asked us to be the host and hostess at their wedding in October!! We are sooo excited and can't wait to be a part of their BIG day!! :) 

Mere took this picture of me and the boys... :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We have added a new family member to our family!!! WRIGLEY!! :)  -- a.k.a. WRIGLEY BEAR! The boys are in heaven right now... and LOVING every minute of it! Wrigley was born on 12/12/12 and  he was part of the boys' Christmas present... but we had to wait for him to be ready to come home to us in February!! Wrigley is a golden doodle... and will be a big boy when he is full grown! For now we are enjoying his 'puppy' size!! :) 

The ride home...

Settling in at home...


WELCOME to our family Wrigley Bear... we are so happy you are here!! :)

No family is complete without the pitter patter of doggy feet! - - author unknown