Saturday, November 30, 2013

Keokuk Trip

We took a quick trip to Keokuk and got to meet Chase and Camden this weekend!! The 2 newest family members in the Wilson family! They are such precious boys! We are so THANKFUL that we got a chance to meet them both! We only got a few pictures from the trip unfortunately, but they are good ones!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

For Thanksgiving we had lunch at Nina and Papa Hamann's house! They started a great tradition many years ago where they give us all a new ornament for our Christmas trees at Thanksgiving dinner! We all LOVE this tradition and are excited every year to see what Nina has picked out for each of us! This year Parker got a football ornament, Owen a soccer one and Drew a 'mater' one! Nick and I got a family ornament to add a picture to! THANK YOU Nina and Papa!!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Hamann's!!!

Family Birthday Party

We had separate parties this year and celebrated with family a little later for Parker's birthday! I made a second cake (which didn't look great but tasted good)! :)THANK YOU everyone for coming and for his gifts!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Nick!!

Happy 36th birthday to Nick! We celebrated with the Hamann's! :) Of course Drew had to help Daddy open his present! Nina and Papa got him a bleacher seat for all of the boys' sports!! THANK YOU!! :)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Parker's Birthday PARTY!!

Parker wanted a sleepover this year for his birthday... so he couldn't invite too many! We celebrated at the house and then went to the rec center to play a little basketball and then back to the house! I think they all had a great time... I know we did! They are such a great group of boys!

Some of the decor and goodies for the party...

The CAKE... made by Kelsie Nettles! She does AMAZING work!! 

The presents...


Dinner time... and it's PIZZA!

Our homemade pinata! Parker helped me make it!! A lego!! :)

Heading to the Rec Center for a little basketball...

Starting to slow down... and in our pjs!!