Friday, January 31, 2014

Grandma Wilson

I am so grateful that I was able to make a trip to Keokuk to help my grandpa while my grandma was recovering in the nursing home from several falls. It was a very hard time for me to see my grandma struggling so much! I spent the days in the nursing home with grandma, grandpa and my aunt and uncles and the evenings at home with grandpa helping prepare freezer meals for him and doing a little cleaning around the house! I stayed for 5 days and it wasn't enough! I cried most of the way home... I hated to leave them! I am praying for a fast recovery for my grandma... my grandpa misses her and wants her home!

Grandma and Aunt Darlene (Grandma was pretty beat up after her falls)

Visiting in the nursing home...

 Having a little snooze! :)

Improving everyday!!

When I returned home the boys were excited to see me... but I think they were more excited for the CREME HORNS from the Keokuk Bakery! :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Basketball - Parker (4th Grade)

The boys had such a GREAT season this year playing basketball! They played again Denison and East Sac for all of their games... just rotating teams, but it gave them a great chance to study their opponents and grow in their game! Their coach was Kim Claussen and she did such a wonderful job with the boys!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Go Hawkeyes!

Davey and Jaxson invited Nick and Parker to go to their FIRST basketball Hawkeye game this weekend!! Lucky boys!! They had a great time!!! Nick took a few pictures for me! The hawkeyes won too!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


We have been having some COLD and WINDY weather here lately! Nick is out of town working and when I went outside today to take Wrigley out I found that we had lost tons of branches of our pine trees! Papa Hamann to the rescue... he came and moved them all for me! THANK YOU Papa!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fun Sandwiches

Drew has a new obsession! He likes me to cut his sandwiches in different shapes for him each day using cookie cutters! :) Lately his favorite sandwich is a cheese sandwich with mayo (ewww)! Today was a gingerbread man!