Friday, March 21, 2014

Kings Pointe

We decided a trip to Kings Pointe was in order for the boys' spring break... so off we went! We all had a great time swimming! The boys spent most of their time on the water slides with Nick... even Drew!! :) I only got 3 pictures since my phone was put away most of the time - darn it!! :( It was a FUN little get-a-way!! :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Almost Debt FREE!

We have been reading Dave Ramsey's book and following his steps to work towards becoming DEBT FREE and it has been AMAZING! This month we have paid off ALL of our medical bills from 2 major surgeries and my largest student loan! We still have one smaller student loan and our house for debt, but we are so excited to have these bills behind us! It's great to eliminate debt! We are working hard to get rid of all debt (except the house) before we have to purchase another vehicle! Wish us luck!! :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

New Hair Style

Ready for a change... I went into Farrah's with a few pics and told her to cut it off short and lighten it up!! She did GREAT... here's the outcome: