Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Awana Awards Night

Tonight was Awards night at Awana! The kids all did great and won lots of awards!! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Soccer 2014

Both Parker and Owen played soccer this year! We loved watching their games! Owen did GREAT like last year and this was Parker's first year playing and he did great as well! Nick helped coach when he could on both teams! The boys LOVED having Daddy help out!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter - Part 2

Early Easter morning the boys woke us up and wanted to see what they got from the Easter bunny! 

After the boys opened their gifts at home we went to church and then headed back to Nina and Papa Hamann's for their annual lunch, egg hunt, scavenger hunt and Easter basket traditions with the Edsen family too! It was a great day!!

Egg Hunt...



After the egg hunt Nina sends all the kids on a scavenger hunt to find their Easter baskets of presents! They run all around following the clues until they find them! -- it is so fun! Here they are opening their presents!

Happy Easter from our family!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter - Part 1

Today we went to the Chamber's annual Easter egg hunt at the skate palace! We had to do a little juggling with schedules since both Parker and Owen had soccer games today too! I went with just Drew first and then we ran to grab Owen after his game and then Parker and Nick joined us for the last little bit!  Afterwards we went home to have our own egg hunt! :) 

Our Easter Egg Hunt at home...

After our hunt we went to Nina Wilson's so she could give the boys their Easter buckets from her! They all got under armour clothes and were super excited about it!!