Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Parker and Owen's Room...

We started Parker's room last week and are not completely done yet, but thought we would post some photos of our work in progress. We have a loft bed on order and are just awaiting delivery... and then we will get things finished up in there... and it will be Parker and Owen's room! :) Parker is so excited to share a room with Owen... he asks everyday, "Mom, if Owen has a tough time going to sleep, can I go lay with him??" hehe... he is so funny!

The lines look funny with my camera, but they are straight!! :)

I will add more pictures as we get it done!!! - ok.. all done!!! We got the bed yesterday (Saturday, March 29th) and here are all of the pictures...


Jodi Lansink said...

What a cute bedroom!!! The stripes look awesome!!!

Christi said...

I really like how the stripes turned out. I'm excited to see it with the loft beds!

Candi Ladwig said...

hmmm... sick?? and the boys are sharing a room?? do you need that other room for something?? :) hehe, just kidding.

The room looks great! You always do a great job decorating!

The Hamann Family said...

nice try Candi... :) You know me better than that... I wouldn't be able to keep that a secret!!! :) Parker wants to paint Owen's room pink though, cause he wants a little girl to sleep in there!!! He is so funny! No plans to fill that room anytime soon... we still haven't even got the boys' loft bed yet, arghh!

Jodi Lansink said...

What an AWESOME ROOM!!! Great job decorating!!! I agree....wish I had a cool bed like that when I was litle!

Mere and Jonny said...

Love the new bed for the boys!! I Bet they were so excited to sleep in it! I can't wait to get over and see it. Give the boys my love!