Sunday, June 29, 2014

Toothless Owen!

Our Owen John finally lost his FIRST tooth today at 8 years old!!! He was SO EXCITED to lose one... he asked almost daily if one was loose until FINALLY one day he DID have a loose one! :) 

The beautiful smile BEFORE the tooth came out...

The beautiful smile AFTER the tooth came out...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Max and Buster

Today we went to Dana's for a bit to visit... and Drew had a blast (as usual) with Max and Buster! Drew used to call Buster 'Bustard' but now he says it right! :( He loves these dogs!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Box Car

I LOVE when the boys use their imaginations! Today they decided to work together and help Drew build a 'car' out of a box! :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the greatest dad my boys could ever have! We LOVE you Nick!! For Father's Day we went to church in Sioux City and they had a fun gift for all of the dads! :) A bag with a cute tie on it and inside was chocolate and rootbeer! :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Adam and Jodi took Nick and I out for lunch at Zimmy's for my birthday! We had a FUN time... lots of laughing!!! :) THANKS for a GREAT lunch! :)

A little birthday treat! :)

Some flowers for the birthday girl! :)

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Parker and Owen both did baseball again this year! Owen did the 2 week camp style baseball where he learns the techniques during week one and then has games everyday at lunch-time during week 2! He did great again this summer! - - I didn't have any pictures that turned out of Owen! :( Parker is on the 3rd/4th team and they travel to surrounding towns and play evening games. He played great this year as well!

Photo Courtesy of Maggie Buns...


The fans...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Class Lists!!

We heard the class lists were posted today... so we had to run over to the elementary and see!! :) All of the boys got GREAT teachers... and we are excited for the upcoming school year!

Drew - Mrs. Harriman

Owen - Mrs. Ludvigson

Parker - Mrs, Remer

Swim Lessons

All the boys did their swim lessons with Katie again this year! She does great with them and there isn't any messing around! :) I grabbed a few pictures of Drew going off the board and working on kicking and floating!

Monday, June 9, 2014

A Visit from Uncle Bubba

 The boys always like when Uncle Bubba comes to visit! :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Awards Day 2014

Today was awards day and the last day of school! This school year has flown by! We are sad to see it end... the boys were so lucky again this year and had such GREAT teachers!

Drew's last day was yesterday... the 28th!


Somebody was too sleepy to watch the awards! :(

The boys' teachers this year...
Parker - 4th - Mrs. Snyder

Owen - 2nd - Mrs. Warnke

Drew - 3yr Preschool - Miss Becker

The boys wanted to give their teacher a year-end gift... so I bought all the supplies and then went to Rental Treasures and More and got some fresh flowers for them!

Mrs. Snyder gave me a beautiful hanging basket of flowers for helping in her classroom this year and Mrs. Warnke gave me this beautiful plaque and on the back all of the class had signed it! I am so thankful they let me come in and help... I love getting to know my boys' friends and their teachers! It truly has been a GREAT year!