Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Day at the PARK!

It was BEAUTIFUL on Tuesday!!! 75 or higher!!! We took Parker to preschool (which was a treat for the kids to get to go out on a Tuesday) and then headed to the park! We packed a snack to take with us so we got to have snack at the park too... which the kids all thought was SOOO fun! :)

Since Parker was at school, it was the boys and Avery (Jadyn was home sick). The kids had a GREAT time!!! We were there for almost 2 hours!!! :)

Afterwards we got McDonalds for everyone and headed home to eat our lunch out on the picnic table!!! The kids had a GREAT day and so did I!!! :)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Aren't you a great daycare provider----the park and McDonald's!!!! I would take my kids to you if you lived closer...what a fun treat!!!!