Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Early BIRTHDAY surprise!!!

Tonight "AUNT MERE" and "UNCLE JONNY" stopped by for a visit and to bring over Owen's b-day present since she won't be able to come to his b-day party... :( next weekend. - - - we are still hoping she stops by though!!! :)

Meredith is Owen's godmother for anyone who doesn't know. She is always getting him the cutest things... this time was 2 adorable outfits, flip flops, a hat and a savings bond! SUPER CUTE!!! - THANK YOU!!!

Also... tonight Owen said "MERE"!!!!! Yippee!!! We were soooo proud of him! :) And I think it made MERE's night!!! hehe!

Here are a few photos from his early surprise!!!

Here Owen is with the flip flops... he was sooo funny, he wanted them on and then was dancing and freaking out trying to get them off!!! hehe! He is sooo funny!!!


1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Cute pics of Owie and Me :) Thanks for having us over and glad you liked his presents ;) he is soo cute and so fun to buy for! I can't wait till I can take him to the park :) Jonny LOVED playing WII (sp?) with Parker! Those two are addicted.
Have a good weekend and next time lets grill out :)xoxoxo