Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Weekend...

We had a pretty relaxing weekend! Nick and I each had projects to get done over the weekend... so we worked on them and even got a few flowers planted in our front planters!! I am hoping to get more for the backyard this week! I have been busy with SCREEN ART and Nick has been trying to complete some of our projects around the house.
Saturday morning the boys and I went to visit a friend and have a little play-date with her little boy, Trey... which was lots of fun!!! THANK YOU, Julie for lunch and spending some time with us!!! While we played, Nick had to take a test for work... so he was gone all morning... then he headed over to the Ladwigs to help get a few things moved in.
In the afternoon, Parker and I went to do a marketing research project for little boys... it was really fun!! He got to watch a clip from a movie, do some computer testing and then got a FREE matchbox race track!! He was pretty excited!!! I even got $15 for bringing him and helping him on the computer!! - while we were there... Nick and Owen worked around the house and played outside.
Saturday night I got caught up on Desperate Housewives (DVR episodes) and Nick went over to the neighbors for a little get-together!
Sunday we went to church, grocery shopping, and played outside.
Nothing too eventful, and I unfortunately have no pictures to post... SORRY!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Sounds like a typical spring weekend----just relaxing, being outside, doing yardwork, finishing projects! Don't you love the nice weather?!

tricia said...

Thanks for sharing Nick's muscle and help with the move and Owen's birthday invitations are adorable!