Sunday, May 25, 2008


We had a busy weekend... we had my Dad's family come up to our house Thursday night to spend the night and then they spent the day with us on Friday too!! We headed to Ida Grove on Friday night for a few days with everyone! My Mom made a great breakfast and dinner for everyone on Saturday and then we all went out to visit my Dad's gravesight for Memorial Day. We spent time visiting with everyone... it was nice!!! Wish Uncle Merlin could have been there too!

We went to visit Nina and Papa Hamann on Saturday night and the boys had fun wrestling with Papa and eating chips - which is their new FAVORITE thing to do... they call them "PAPA CHIPS"!! :) Thanks for the nice visit!! :)

We stayed in Ida Grove until Sunday morning... which was enough for Nick and I... our boys were having a tough weekend with little rest!!! - we needed to come home and get back to our routine!

Then tonight we went over to the Peck's for a Luau party! It was lots of fun and I won the contest for most festive side-dish!!! :) yippee!!! :) I never win anything!!! :) - Thanks Amy and Brian for a fun night!!!

... on another note - today is Owen's 2nd BIRTHDAY!!! We are celebrating next weekend though! - - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OWEN JOHN!!! We LOVE YOU!!! :)

... and on another note - tomorrow Nick and I have been married for 7 years!!!! WOW... time flies!!! :) Love you, Nick!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

Now the boys are sleeping in their own beds... and we are headed to ours for a GOOD NIGHT SLEEP!!! (what's that??) Hopefully the boys decide to sleep in tomorrow!!!! :)

Hope everyone had a nice weekend... here are some pics of ours...

Parker is such a little LOVER!!!

Daddy taking the boys for a ride on Papa Wilson's old golf cart - they had a BLAST!!!

Matt and Uncle Mike...

The boys LOVE to dance before bed... it is SOOO PRECIOUS!! :)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Sounds like a fun weekend with family...which is always great!!! But always nice to get back to normal and there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed!!! :)