Monday, May 26, 2008

Owen's Birthday Invitations...

For Owen's 2nd birthday we are having a JOHN DEERE party in our backyard! Owen LOVES tractors!!!

Here is a look at the invitations... they are tickets and each person gets their own ticket to come and help us celebrate!

I will get pictures posted after the party takes place!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

Where did you find those?!?! VERY CUTE!!! We got invited to a WEDDING that has something very similar?!? Wasn't sure about that...but love the idea for a birthday!!!!! :)

The Hamann Family said...

I made them myself! :) - I am a nut for invitations and I am always making them for EVERY event!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

i loved the invites!!! they are soooo cute! you did a great job :)

Mere and Jonny said...

I am soo sad we won't be able to make it. I will try hard though. I loved the invites! You are soo good at that!!
Give my little buddy a hug and kiss from Aunt Mere and Uncle Jonny :)

John Deere Party Invitations said...

This is the first time I saw a John Deere invitations, I need not know it looks so cute. Great job.