Friday, May 2, 2008

First Bike Ride of the Season!

Yesterday we decided to go for a walk since it was absolutely GEORGEOUS outside!!! Parker wanted to ride his bike and wear his new Spiderman helmet, knee pads and elbow pads... so he rode while we walked. Ralph came along too!!! :) It was so fun... Owen is VERY excited about it being sprintime... he (and Parker too) think the dandelions are sooooo pretty!!! :) They both want to pick everyone they see for me - hehe, it is too cute!!! :) Owen says "flowers" each time he sees one and wanted Daddy to pick it for him since he was in his stroller! Too cute!!!

Parker is doing great on his bike... he is beginning to grasp the concept of pushing his feet back to brake~! hehe... I laugh because it was so funny watching him!!! All is well as long as he is pedaling, but he seems to get so nervous when he needs to stop! He heads right for the grass, THEN tries to break! :) - so... on our way back home last night he was riding around the little pond near our house and rode ahead of us a little bit... he got to the end of the sidewalk and instead of hitting the breaks he turned into the grass where he wrecked. :( Poor little guy!!! So Nick and I were shouting... "it's ok buddy, it's just grass!!!" - as he is crying hysterically. We get closer and see that his entire nose is scratched and is beginning to bleed???? What, how could that happen you ask?? Well, according to Parker it was the "brown stuff in the grass that did it!" - a.k.a. the DEAD GRASS (hehe!!).

What actually happened was the little sign that says TONKA on his bike had some sharply cut wire ties that scrapped his nose. :( - Of course Parker is asking immediately, "Does it got bleed? Is there blood, Mommy?" (for those of you who know Parker, you know that he is absolutely FRANTIC at this point - BLOOD is our ENEMY!!!!) When we told him yes, a little - he was so upset. The first thing he did when we got back to the house was run into the bathroom to check out his nose. Poor little guy... he was having so much fun and this scratch has ruined it all! :( - - - needless to say we all needed an ice cream treat so we headed to Dairy Queen and we all had ice cream (even Ralph!!). We still had a great night... lots of laughs and of course a little cry too! :)

Ooooh.... I almost forgot to comment on Parker's BEAUTIFUL outfit!!! :) He picked it out himself (which he is normally a pretty good dresser!) - he wanted to wear pj's and he couldn't find the bottoms to Spiderman so he put on his Spiderman top and his new dinasour pj bottoms from Nina and Papa Hamann... hehehe, such a nice combination, don't ya think??? :)


Candi Ladwig said...

oh fun! summer walks are always fun & full of adventure :)

Jodi Lansink said...

LOVE Parker's outfit...that is classic!