Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Today Nick turned 31... he is officially "In his 30's"! We celebrated the occasion with carrying out his 1 and only birthday wish....................... and that was an evening out with Brad and Nicole and the kids!! We went to Texas Roadhouse... and it was YUMMY! The night out... not so fun! :) Sorry Nicker... better luck next year! :) hehe! Owen was a PISTOL... and I mean PISTOL! He was climbing over the booth, he bumped his head on the table, tried to run out the front door during the meal... and so on! We are convinced that the Chiafos' may not call again... but at least Nick got his 1 birthday wish!!! hehehe!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nicker... we LOVE you!!!! :)

Lori (aka MOMMY) and your boys

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The "BIG" Party...

Before the party we did some cleaning and the boys wanted to help... so of course I couldn't resist taking a picture!!! :) hehe

Then on to the party... Parker had 5 friends from school: Cooper, Corbin, Shay, Kya and Olivia! They were all soooo good and we had such a fun time! Here they all are in their Scooby masks! :)

We played "Stick the dog tag on Scooby!" - they had a blast and Kya won! Olivia was a close second!!! :)

We made a SCOOBY craft out of toilet paper rolls...

We sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and had cupcakes and ice cream...

Olivia won the prize for CUTEST cupcake!! hehehe... she decorated hers with her m&m's!!

We had a SCOOBY pinata!

... and then we played until the parents came to pick up everyone.

It was such a great little birthday party... I am sure Parker will be talking about it for months! THANK YOU for all of the great presents and for coming to help Parker celebrate!! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Parker 2 months... and Parker 5 years!!
Parker is 5 today!!!! It is so hard to believe that he has been our little boy for 5 years already!!! He had a GREAT birthday... he was the "leader" today at school and we made some fun SCOOBY DOO cupcakes for him to take for snack. We got little scooby rings to put on top of the cupcakes... and they were a hit! :) After school he got to decide where we went for lunch and what he wanted to do for his birthday... and he picked the mall! We invited Cooper and Nicole along and Nina Wilson and Uncle Matt (bubba) were here too - - and Avery too! :) It was lots of fun! We ate lunch in the food court and then went down to play for awhile! Afterwards we came home for a nap and then Cooper got to come over to play for a little bit! Then tonight he opened his presents from Nick and I and my Mom... and then he picked RED ROBIN for dinner... it felt like my birthday... since I didn't have to cook all day!!! :) I can handle this!!! :) He had a GREAT birthday... and he will have more fun Saturday with his friends from school and then again Thanksgiving weekend with Nina and Papa Hamann and Uncle Dan and Aunt Kim and the girls!! He is a lucky boy!! :)
Ooooh... I almost forgot to mention that ALL DAY he kept asking me, "Mom am I REALLY 5???" He is too cute!! :) He is SOOOOO excited to be 5!!! :)
- - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PARKER... we love you!! :)

SCOOBY DOO jammies.... :)

Last weekend...

Hello again... sorry it has been awhile! My mother-in-law brought it to my attention tonight that if Candi can blog in the hospital on the birth of her new baby girl (Piper Kate) then I can certainly get my weekend photos posted!!! :) hehehe... here you go Jane! :)

We had a SUPER busy weekend this past weekend... we went to I.G. for the weekend. We had a wedding in Nebraska for a friend of mine (Tracy) on Saturday! Nina and Papa Hamann watched the boys for us all afternoon/night and we went to the wedding and then to Dawn's 30th birthday party at Ida Bowl! It was a 70's themed party... and it was hilarious to see everyone's costumes!!! :)

Here is a photo before we went to the wedding...

... and here is a flashback from the 70's..... hehehe - also Ryan and Traci didn't make it for the group photo so here is one of them too! :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall Vinyl!!

Last weekend I had a craft show in my hometown... Jodi was also there and I was able to get a few things from her... this plate and also a cute Christmas one and an ornament (I will post those later). Take a look... she does such a GREAT job and is very reasonably priced. - - THANK YOU JODI... I LOVE IT!! :)

Parker will be 5!!!!!

Parker is turning 5 this Thursday (which we are still in denial about!!) so we are having a little party at the house for him this weekend. We let him choose a few friends from school to come celebrate with him... and he is SOOO excited! :) He wanted a Scooby Doo birthday since he has had his favorite super heroes already... Spiderman (age 3) and Batman (age 4)! I will be sure to post party pictures and some of the fun things we will be doing!! Here is one of the invitations I made up for his party.


I have mentioned before that Parker has a HUGE crush on Hannah Montana... now we have a Hannah dress and guitar for daycare and look what Nick and I got to see tonight!!!! hehehe... enjoy! (Now BOTH of our boys love to wear costumes!!! hehe)

Monday, November 10, 2008

A trip to I.G.

We headed back to I.G. this weekend... and this is what I saw when I looked in the back seat on the way there!!! Too sweet! :)

We went back for a craft show at the daycare there! It went pretty well... not as good of a turn out as last year, but still a good show and LOTS of FUN!! :) Great to see you Dawn and Jodi!! Robyn even came to spend the afternoon with me... and she brought Dawn and I lunch!! :) THANK YOU! :) It was a fun day! :)

That night Nick and I went out with Robyn... we had a great time!! :) THANK YOU ROBYN for hanging out with me all day and then all night... literally!! :) hehehe!

Doesn't Robyn look so pretty....

60th Anniversary - Weekend in Keokuk

The first weekend in November we took a trip back to my old stompin' ground... Keokuk! We celebrated my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary (my dad's parents)! My aunt and uncles put on a GREAT surprise party for them! There were tons of family and friends there to spend the evening with them! It was so great getting to see everyone! Here are LOTS of photos from our trip! :)

The Lovebirds...

Grandpa singing to Grandma.... soooo sweet!!!!

Sharing... ok stuffing their cake in each others faces... hehe!! :) - Grandma cleaning Grandpa up afterwards... it just melts my heart! :)

Family Photos...
Tanya, Uncle Long and Tasha - Tanya, Uncle Merlin and Tasha

Me and Uncle Merlin

Owen sure has some great moves!!! :) I have NEVER seen anything so sweet... he danced the night away!!! :) hehe

CONGRATULATIONS Grandma and Grandpa... we are so lucky to have you as our grandparents and the foundation of our family! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Some of Grandpa's sweet guitar playing... the ONLY thing my boys will sit still for!! :) Grandpa even let them give it a try... with Grandma's persuasion! :)

The next day...
We can't make a trip to see Great Papa without a TRACTOR ride!! :)

THANK YOU to everyone... it was a GREAT weekend!!! :)