Monday, November 10, 2008

60th Anniversary - Weekend in Keokuk

The first weekend in November we took a trip back to my old stompin' ground... Keokuk! We celebrated my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary (my dad's parents)! My aunt and uncles put on a GREAT surprise party for them! There were tons of family and friends there to spend the evening with them! It was so great getting to see everyone! Here are LOTS of photos from our trip! :)

The Lovebirds...

Grandpa singing to Grandma.... soooo sweet!!!!

Sharing... ok stuffing their cake in each others faces... hehe!! :) - Grandma cleaning Grandpa up afterwards... it just melts my heart! :)

Family Photos...
Tanya, Uncle Long and Tasha - Tanya, Uncle Merlin and Tasha

Me and Uncle Merlin

Owen sure has some great moves!!! :) I have NEVER seen anything so sweet... he danced the night away!!! :) hehe

CONGRATULATIONS Grandma and Grandpa... we are so lucky to have you as our grandparents and the foundation of our family! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Some of Grandpa's sweet guitar playing... the ONLY thing my boys will sit still for!! :) Grandpa even let them give it a try... with Grandma's persuasion! :)

The next day...
We can't make a trip to see Great Papa without a TRACTOR ride!! :)

THANK YOU to everyone... it was a GREAT weekend!!! :)


Candi Ladwig said...

Ahhhhh, they look so sweet! 60 years! Can you imagine what it will be like when you've been married 60 years? :)

The Anderson's said...

MAMA!! I've missed you so! I can't believe how big your boys are getting! You look fabulous, too!