Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am posting with a heavy heart this morning... my courageous friend Julie has lost her battle with cancer at only 38 years old. She passed away early this morning at Methodist Hospital. We were able to visit her last night (which I am so grateful for) and now this morning she has went on to be with God. Please pray for her family and friends as they struggle with acceptance and moving forward without her here. She was loved by so many and her memory will be forever in our hearts. I am a better person for having known her. - - I love you Julie!


Alicia said...

Thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers. Please let me know you need anything or if there is anything I can do! Love you!!

Mere and Jonny said...

OMG! That is sooo sad!! That was fast! email me when you can to tell me what happened..didn't you just go to her picnic last week? thats too bad. thinking of her.