Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jetco Christmas Party

Friday night we had Nick's Christmas party for Jetco! We got to have dinner at Prairie Meadows and then went out with some of his co-workers in Bondurant. It was a fun time as usual! :) - - We are so grateful that Nick has a job that he loves!! :)

We had Aunt Kim and the girls over to watch the boys for us... and according to the boys they had a GREAT time! - - THANK YOU Aunt Kim!!! - - It's our turn to watch the girls so you and Dan can have a night out!! :)

Here are a couple of pics of us semi-dressed up for the night! :) - - not the best photos!


Mere and Jonny said...

You two look cute..i love your tummy!! :)

Christi said...

You both look so Nice..... and matching:)