Saturday, December 12, 2009


This past week we had a HUGE snow storm! As you can guess... the kids LOVED it! :) We got 14-15 inches total and the boys had a blast playing in the snow! It was horrible out! Nick wasn't able to go into work! We had 5 foot drifts out in our yard... and our whole street was totally snowed in - - ok the whole area! :)

Here are a few pictures of them out in the snow! The last one is of Owen scooping snow in the yard and Tucker running around playing with him - - it was so sweet! :)

We even had a house guest too - - Aunt Kim was stranded at our house from Tuesday night until Thursday afternoon! Parker LOVED having Aunt Kimmy here... he took advantage of it by making a Christmas wreath craft with her! - - THANKS Aunt Kim... it turned out great! :)

We were able to squeeze in a little afternoon nap as well... and Aunt Kim got a picture of us all! (Owen was upstairs in his bed)

What a busy day! I can't remember the last time we all were home to enjoy a snow day like this! :)

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Super cute pic of you guys snoozing!! I Love it :) Tucker is tuckered out :)