Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good Night... Sleep Tight!

Nick and I just headed up to bed and peaked in to check on our boys... and look what we found!!! :)

Parker joined Owen in his bed for the night!! hehehe! :) I had to grab a picture... they may never admit this later! :)

We LOVE our boys!!!

33 Weeks...

I can hardly believe that I am 33 weeks along already! It was such a LONG beginning and now time is flying by! I am feeling good (other than the cold I have had for 2 weeks) and we are all getting excited to meet our new little guy!

This stage of pregnancy is starting to bring on some aches and pains... but nothing too major (which I hope it stays that way). I am up at least 2 times during the night for bathroom visits... not including the MANY times I wake up just to turn over! hehehe! :)

We are planning to get maternity pictures next week so hoping to post those soon too! :) - - the whole family will be a part of this event and I am super excited since I have never done them before!

I am hoping to schedule a massage soon too... one of my daycare Mom's got me a massage gift certificate at one if the spas in W. Des Moines... and they offer maternity massages so I am SUPER excited to get that done!

The baby's nursery is still awaiting pictures and some vinyl (which I still need inspiration for) but I did get a diaper bag this week and I was happy to find it! Still no name... but we are working on it! - - We think we may just wait for the final decision when we meet Hamann Boy #3! :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Surprise Lunch Date

All week Parker had been asking me to come eat lunch with him on Friday... so of course I had to! :) Nick had been out of town for work earlier in the week so he was able to get off early on Friday... so we surprised Parker... he knew I was coming but he didn't know Nick and Owen were coming along too! He was SO EXCITED to see us all waiting for him outside his classroom door! It was so fun! Owen LOVED getting to be a 'BIG BOY' and thought it was so great to get to eat lunch at "Parker's school"!! :) We will DEFINITELY try to squeeze in a few more lunch dates before baby #3 arrives!

Sorry... no pics to post, but had to share our lunch story!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

More Valentine Fun...

Our weekend started with a Friday night date night for Nick and I! We had a night out with Ross and Christi (Matt and Holli joined us after dinner too)! We went out to Samurai, the habatchi grill at Jordan Creek for dinner (yummy) and then to a Married Life Live seminar/Comedian at our church! It was a nice outing... we haven't gone out forever, so a much needed night out for Nick and I! :) It was nice getting to spend some time with Ross and Christi... it had been FOREVER! - - thanks for coming guys it was GREAT getting to see you!

Lucky for us... Dan and Kim and the girls came over to watch the boys for us... the kids got to help make pizzas for dinner and then as usual Aunt Kimmy put on her craft hat and made crafts with the kiddos! They had a GREAT night!!! When we got home we had valentine's waiting for us! - - here is a picture! :)

Owen's Valentine - -
Parker's Valentine - -
THANK YOU Edsen's for watching the boys for us and for always making it so fun for them!!

Valentine Presents...
For daycare I always get the kids a little something and my boys get the same things I get for my daycare kiddos (at least until they are bigger) so here is a picture of each of them getting ready to open their gifts! (gotta love Owen's enthusiasm!!!)

Valentine Treats...
We made our traditional pretzel treats for Valentine's Day at daycare... but of course as a family we get to enjoy them too! :) Also at daycare we made cupcakes, but we did them while Owen was at preschool and Parker was at school as well so they did theirs in the evening! It's always fun when they get to decorate them by themselves! - -and of course... Owen gets EXCITED about everything he does!! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend in IG - Early Valentine Presents

The first weekend in February we made a trip back to Ida Grove to visit family and do our taxes! Despite a few snowy/icy roads... we had a GREAT time getting to see everyone and we were very happy with our outcome on our taxes!!! :)

We had planned to take our boys to the Skate Palace to rollerskate, but unfortunately they were closed for an event... so plan B was a trip to the bowling alley for some bowling (and a yummy lunch with Nina Wilson first). Nina and Papa Hamann joined us after lunch to watch the boys bowl too! Although not the best bowlers... they sure had fun playing! Nick and the boys did all the playing but Papa was up there a time or two helping the boys too! :)

After bowling Nina and Papa Hamann took the boys and us up to Ida Grove Pharmacy (a.k.a. Albrechts) for some yummy ice cream! They loved it!! - - I think this might have been one of their favorite trips to Ida Grove! :) - - For sure one of mine since I got a GEDUNK!! :) YUMMY!!! :) Thank you for the fun time Nina & Papa Hamann and Nina Wilson!!

Also during our trip the boys got their Valentine's early from Nina Wilson (treats, cards and money) and from Nina & Papa Hamann... here a few pics of them opening their gifts from the Hamann's.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chuck E Cheese - - 100th day of school

Tuesday the 2nd of Februrary, Owen had a fundraiser for his school at Chuck E Cheese! They do this each year and a percentage of the proceeds go to Westview's Preschool program! I have to admit that Chuck E Cheese is not my favorite place... but we try to go each year to support the cause!!! :) We did have a really good time this year too... the boys each picked the games they wanted to play and Nick and I followed them around holding their coin cups! We ran into lots of families we know and were able to chat as well.. so all in all a good trip to Chuck E Cheese! Here are a few pics from the night.

As you may have noticed from the pictures... Parker is wearing a crown that says 100 on it! On Tuesday he celebrated 100 days of being in school!!! - - as he reminds me often... he is 100 days smarter! :) They had a fun celebration and the kids got to bring snacks to share and then 100 items that could all fit in a sandwich baggie. Parker wanted to take 100 pennies for his 100 items... and after they were done with them for class he wanted to donate them to "Change for Haiti" which the school is sponsoring to help the families affected by the earthquakes in Haiti. - - Parker has such a big heart and moments like these make me so proud! :)