Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chuck E Cheese - - 100th day of school

Tuesday the 2nd of Februrary, Owen had a fundraiser for his school at Chuck E Cheese! They do this each year and a percentage of the proceeds go to Westview's Preschool program! I have to admit that Chuck E Cheese is not my favorite place... but we try to go each year to support the cause!!! :) We did have a really good time this year too... the boys each picked the games they wanted to play and Nick and I followed them around holding their coin cups! We ran into lots of families we know and were able to chat as well.. so all in all a good trip to Chuck E Cheese! Here are a few pics from the night.

As you may have noticed from the pictures... Parker is wearing a crown that says 100 on it! On Tuesday he celebrated 100 days of being in school!!! - - as he reminds me often... he is 100 days smarter! :) They had a fun celebration and the kids got to bring snacks to share and then 100 items that could all fit in a sandwich baggie. Parker wanted to take 100 pennies for his 100 items... and after they were done with them for class he wanted to donate them to "Change for Haiti" which the school is sponsoring to help the families affected by the earthquakes in Haiti. - - Parker has such a big heart and moments like these make me so proud! :)

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Congrats to Parker on 100 days of school! He is so cute. I love owen with his hood on :)