Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Owen John is 4!!!

Our little boy turned 4!! We can hardly believe that he has been a part of our lives for 4 years!!! We had a spiderman party to celebrate and a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese with his friends! The whole family was here... Nina & Papa Hamann, Nina Wilson, Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan and the girls, Uncle Bubba and even our good friend 'Aunt' Mere and Jonny!! :) THANK YOU everyone for helping us celebrate and for the gifts!! :)

Owen invited some friends to come to his party!! The ones able to make it were Mitchell, Kyle and Brady! Thanks for celebrating with us!! :)

Owen's cupcakes (we added spiderman rings to them too)...
The CAKE...
My friend Sarah made this AMAZING cake for Owen!! Not only did it look amazing... it tasted SO GOOD!!! Thank you Sarah!!!

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

The cake and cupcakes are amazing!! :)