Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not so Happy Thanksgiving...

This year was Drew's First Thanksgiving... and Mommy was SICK! (what a 1st Thanksgiving) I had gone black Friday shopping Thursday night and when I got home in the morning the chills, fever and achy feelings started in! Dinner was scheduled for Friday evening at the Hamann's so Nick decided to take the older 2 boys and go to dinner while I stayed home with Drew. - - not a good idea! I got worse as the day went on and by the evening I was in tears begging for Nick to hurry home! I was vomitting by this point too... so definitely not a fun time with a baby depending on you! I ended up being in bed for 3 days straight and was still not 100% on Wednesday!

Friday was also Nick's birthday... so poor Nick didn't get much of a celebration this year! :(
Nina & Papa Hamann always get us ornaments for our family tree and give them to us at Thanksgiving... this year we got a 2010 family ornament to put a picture in, Parker got a Woody & Buzz ornament, Owen got Ironman, and Drew got an adorable little 1st Christmas rattle. Since I wasn't able to go to dinner, the only picture I got is of Drew opening his ornament at our house when Nina & Papa came last weekend. - - THANK YOU for the ornaments... we love them!! :)

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