Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Swim Lessons

This year we did swim lessons a little different... we always have the boys do their lessons on the same night, but with schedules getting busier and having a 3rd little guy in the mix, we changed it this time! Parker did his lessons on Tuesday nights... and Owen on Wednesday mornings! Unfortunately, Nick and I couldn't be at both boys' lessons, so we took the 'Divide and Conquer' approach and it worked out well for us! We didn't get many pictures this time, but here are a couple of Owen. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Parker's Spring Program

Waukee Elementary 1st graders had their spring concert this week! It was adorable watching them all sing! Parker did a GREAT job and even had an extra part! :) He made us proud! Here are some pictures of the night!

Parker & Mrs. Schulte

The class singing...

Parker in his special part...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

King's Pointe

Nina & Papa Hamann took the Edsen family and our family to the waterpark in Storm Lake for our Valentine's Day present! It took us a while to find a time that would work for everyone... so it was the end of March when we got to go. Everyone had such a good time... the boys LOVED it! They went with Nina Hamann last summer and had a great time then too! Here are a few pictures from the trip!

Nick & Kim having fun on the water slides!! :)

Parker and Owen on the slides...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Visit to the Groomers...

We went to Minneapolis for the weekend, and Tucker got his own spa treatment at Whimpsy Pet Salon! :) Here are his before and after photos!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wiggle, Wiggle... and it's OUT!!

FINALLY... Parker Matthew has lost his 1st tooth on March 15th, 2011 at age 7!! Poor Parker had been ANXIOUSLY awaiting this day for about........ a YEAR AND A HALF!!! :) All of his kindergarten friends were losing teeth and not even a loose one for Parker... then on to 1st grade and still nothing! No loose ones before Christmas... so much for singing, 'All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth!' January passed and still nothing, then on to February... and a-ha, at last a wiggler! Everyday I heard, "Mom, do you think I will lose it today?" and I would reply, not yet, Parker... it will take a couple of weeks I am sure. After 3 weeks, he says, "Mom, it has been 3 weeks now, when will it come out?" I replied, "I know it has, but you just have to be patient!" FINALLY, after about 4-1/2 weeks, he came home and said, "Mom, it is REALLY loose today, do you think it will come out soon?" I wiggled the tooth... and he was right, this tooth was REALLY loose! He asked me to pull it, but I said no and instead wiggled it a bit and to my surprise... out popped his first tooth!!! :) He was SOOO excited!
He got a visit from the tooth fairy too! :)

The Goodman's

Ryan and Dana said "I do" this weekend and I was so excited to be a part of their big day! :) Dana looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL and the wedding ceremony was perfect! We stayed at the Ramada water park for the entire weekend, so the kids got lots of water time in! It was such a great weekend!

The night before... (I missed out on the pic, but we all wore these cute shirts Candi made)

The ceremony...

The Happy Couple! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Family Time...

Having some fun just hanging out! Drew LOVES Tucker... and Tucker LOVES Drew! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Drews 9 Month Check Up

We have a happy HEALTHY 9 month old! :) We had his check up the other day and here are his stats in comparison with his big brothers at this age:

DREW - 9 months
Height: 30-3/4 in (95th percentile)
Weight: 25lbs 12oz (95th percentile)
Head: 18-1/4 (70th percentile)

Parker (9 mo)
Height: 30-1/2 in (off the chart)
Weight: 22lbs 4oz (75th percentile)
Head: 18-1/4 (75th percentile)

Owen (9 mo)
Height: 30 in (90th percentile)
Weight: 22lbs 10oz (75th percentile)
Head: 18-1/4 (75th percentile)

Gotta LOVE those healthy baby boys!! :) Thankfully no shots this visit... but they said his 12 month visit will be ROUGH! :(