Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wiggle, Wiggle... and it's OUT!!

FINALLY... Parker Matthew has lost his 1st tooth on March 15th, 2011 at age 7!! Poor Parker had been ANXIOUSLY awaiting this day for about........ a YEAR AND A HALF!!! :) All of his kindergarten friends were losing teeth and not even a loose one for Parker... then on to 1st grade and still nothing! No loose ones before Christmas... so much for singing, 'All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth!' January passed and still nothing, then on to February... and a-ha, at last a wiggler! Everyday I heard, "Mom, do you think I will lose it today?" and I would reply, not yet, Parker... it will take a couple of weeks I am sure. After 3 weeks, he says, "Mom, it has been 3 weeks now, when will it come out?" I replied, "I know it has, but you just have to be patient!" FINALLY, after about 4-1/2 weeks, he came home and said, "Mom, it is REALLY loose today, do you think it will come out soon?" I wiggled the tooth... and he was right, this tooth was REALLY loose! He asked me to pull it, but I said no and instead wiggled it a bit and to my surprise... out popped his first tooth!!! :) He was SOOO excited!
He got a visit from the tooth fairy too! :)

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