Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday DREW!!!

We celebrated Drew's 1st birthday at the Ridge Pointe Pavillion Park in Waukee with family and GREAT friends!! It was such a GREAT party... we had lunch (bbq beef, chicken strips, fruit, veggies and dip) and then cake and ice cream. My friend Kim told me about a lady who makes AMAZING cakes... so I ordered the cake from her... and was so pleased!! It not only was ADORABLE, but delicious too! :) She even made a little basketball smash cake!! So cute!! :)
While we waited for everyone to arrive... the kids had fun outside playing on the equipment at the park! :) (Jessica & Kyle and Parker & Owen)

Here's the BIRTHDAY BOY!!! Our cousin Candi Ladwig @ made Drew's cute little shirt! :) THANK YOU Candi!! :)
A Family picture...

More of the BIRTHDAY BOY...

Getting LOTS OF LOVE...
Reese & Drew
Hallie & Drew

Mere & Drew

Getting a little tuckered out...
Singing Happy Birthday...

Not real sure about the cake...
and then...

He dug right in.... and BOY was it GOOD!! :) Drew LOVED cake... more than Parker or Owen! This boy is a CAKE LOVIN' MACHINE!!! Seriously!!! He ate his ENTIRE smash cake and then most of my piece too! He couldn't get enough! He kind of gets a little crazy when he sees cake!! ha! LOVE HIM!!!

The Pinata...

Opening Presents...

His NEW chair from Nina & Papa Hamann :)

Time to GO!!

Our little monkey was WORE OUT! :) He had such a GREAT time at his party, but his crib was calling his name... and within about 2 minutes of sitting in his carseat he was out!

THANK YOU everyone for helping us celebrate Drew's 1st Birthday!! He is such an amazing little boy and we are so THANKFUL to have him in our family! God has blessed us in so many ways, but today... our favorite blessing was celebrating the life of our little baby boy! We LOVE you so much Drew Isaac Hamann! HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY!!

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