Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family Fun Night at the Mall

As often as possible we try to go to the Family Fun Nights at Valley West Mall! It is the last Tuesday of the month and there are tons of activities for the kids and usually a special character too! Tonight was Superwoman! :) Here are a few pictures from our night!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am in denial that sweet little Owen John is turning 5!! :( Where have the years gone??

Owen decided that he MUST have a Mario/Luigi party this year... and I am not gonna lie, I was SO EXCITED to get to plan this party! Since I don't have girls to do all of the "frilly" stuff, I like to go all out for birthday party planning!! :)
We had the party at Winfield Park in Waukee... and it was a GREAT time! Here is a peak at Owen's SPECIAL day! :)

 Owen and his friend Kyle... dressing up as Mario and Luigi!! :)

Party Favors...
Each kid got one of everything! They also got sent home with a mini bubble gum machine! :) (not sure why I didn't get a picture of those??)

The Hats :)

Some of the favors included... mustache on a stick, sticky mustaches, marshmallow pops, fruit snacks, m&m's, suckers, etc.

We did an EGG race with the YOSHI EGGS!! :) - -the eggs were hard boiled! ha!

Some of the wonderful guests...

The Pinata...

The King Boo Bag Toss game...
Opening Presents...
The Birthday Boy...


The whole gang... :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Owen's Preschool Program

We had all of the family here... everyone was so excited to see Owen graduate preschool... and wouldn't you know it... he wouldn't sing a word! :( This was one sad Mama! :( He was being a stubborn little boy... and he refused to sing - - even though he knew all of the words! He told us, "I was singing in my head, Mom." So I guess that will have to do! At least we have pictures of our little monkey from that day! :)

Above is Owen with his buddy Mitchell! :) He loves to play with Mitchell at the Y!! :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Omaha - Children's Museum

We made a quick run to Omaha this past weekend to see the Arizona Ladwig cousins! We spent the weekend there and hit up the Children's Museum for the first time! It was so much fun... my boys had a blast! We even got to face paint by ourselves!! :)

Such a nice "get-a-way"!! :) We will definitely revist the Children's Museum!! :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I am so very grateful to be able to call myself a "MOM"!! What an honor and such a gift! I love my 3 boys with all my heart!!

This year we spent Mother's Day with my Mom! She came to stay the weekend! Our day was spent going to church, lunch and then on to Parker and Owen's flag football games! Nina and Papa Hamann joined us after church! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Playtime at the Mall

Owen, Drew, myself and some daycare friends spent the morning playing at the mall! :) Drew had the time of his life! - -ahhh... the simple things! :)

Love getting to spend time with my boys! :)