Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am in denial that sweet little Owen John is turning 5!! :( Where have the years gone??

Owen decided that he MUST have a Mario/Luigi party this year... and I am not gonna lie, I was SO EXCITED to get to plan this party! Since I don't have girls to do all of the "frilly" stuff, I like to go all out for birthday party planning!! :)
We had the party at Winfield Park in Waukee... and it was a GREAT time! Here is a peak at Owen's SPECIAL day! :)

 Owen and his friend Kyle... dressing up as Mario and Luigi!! :)

Party Favors...
Each kid got one of everything! They also got sent home with a mini bubble gum machine! :) (not sure why I didn't get a picture of those??)

The Hats :)

Some of the favors included... mustache on a stick, sticky mustaches, marshmallow pops, fruit snacks, m&m's, suckers, etc.

We did an EGG race with the YOSHI EGGS!! :) - -the eggs were hard boiled! ha!

Some of the wonderful guests...

The Pinata...

The King Boo Bag Toss game...
Opening Presents...
The Birthday Boy...


The whole gang... :)

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