Monday, December 26, 2011


Beware.... this is an OVERLOAD of pictures!!! :)

Christmas was definitely different this year!! Not having your own house and your own traditions has been tough on all of us... but we tried our best to make it a GREAT Chirstmas! --- and it was! We have learned a lot in these past few months... and our list of 'things to be grateful for' has grown dramatically for each one of us!!

Here we are decorating at Nina Wilson's house...
Note: there are SEVERAL letters and cards to Santa and our family members under the tree! :)

A break for Santa's little helpers... :)

Ooops!!! Mom overcooked the Christmas Chicken... on to plan B!! :)

Listening to Christmas music on the computer... you should have seen the dancing that accompanied that music!! :)

 Nina elfing it up!!! :)

Time to open Nina's presents!!! :)

Our handsome little boys...
(who wouldn't all cooperate at the same time!! ;))

Tonights the BIG night... Santa is coming!!!!

He has arrived!!! :) Buckets full and an AIR HOCKEY TABLE for all 3 boys!! :)

Christmas at the Hamann's...

Cousins!! :)

Owen was sooo excited... he got tons of Green Bay Packers stuff from everyone this year!! :)

Parker got tons of BEARS stuff too... what a GREAT Christmas!! :)

 And Drew got tons of THOMAS and Mickey stuff.... they ALL did well!! :)

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