Sunday, April 15, 2012

Drew is 2!!!

I am unsure of how we have reached this milestone already... but our baby has turned 2!!! He is a bit of a bully... but his sweet voice, beautiful eyes and contagious smile have stolen our hearts!! His favorite things right now are Mickey Mouse, Thomas the Train and Bubble Guppies!! :) We had a Mickey Mouse party for him at Nina and Papa Hamann's to celebrate!!

Drew - On his birthday!!

The party...

MY FAVORITE pic of the day!!! :)

After his party we invited the Lansink's over for CAKE!!! Brylie (Drew's little girlfriend) brought Drew a present!! It was sooo sweet... all Mickey Mouse gifts! :)

Happy Birthday SWEET Drew!!! We are so thankful that we get to be your parents!!! :) We LOVE you so much!!!

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