Saturday, September 15, 2012


I forgot to post this on our Sioux City post on the the 3rd... so here it is for all to see... ENJOY... this is a FUNNY one!! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

NEW Bar Stools

For those of you who know me well... you know that I have spent the last (AT LEAST) 6 months looking for bar stools for my kitchen! I am NOT THAT PICKY... but I AM CHEAP... so was VERY stressed over this whole ordeal! I looked and looked and if I found the height and style I wanted... then the seats were too wide for my space! Or I LOVED the style and the size worked, but the price was RIDICULOUS!!! It was sooo frustrating! FINALLY... I stumbled upon a blog that had bar stools as a DIY project! ( - - again, if you know me well, you know that any DIY project I do... I always have a helper!! (POOR NICK!!!!) :) 

So... I got my stools ordered from the school supply site that the blogger recommends and all of my paint and supplies purchased... and off we went to my craft room to make the PERFECT bar stools! :) I have included a few pics to show the process, but you can get a much more detailed explanation from site above!

They turned out perfect!!! We are super excited to have found this idea... and even more excited about how easy it was and inexpensive it was!!! - -- who am I kidding CHEAP is the word I meant to use!! :) I LOVE CHEAP!! :) These stools will be PERFECT through our rough tough childhood years with boys! Someday we will have super nice and maybe even expensive stools, but for now... I LOVE these!! :)

The finished product...

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I spent the day cooking!!! :) I LOVED having meat on hand during my surgery recovery and when I had my babies... so I decided to spend my day cooking and freezing for future use!!! I made up 10 lbs of ground beef, goulash, pineapple zucchini bread, cookies and muffins! I have some BIG eaters in this house... so it is time I start planning like it! :) I thoroughly enjoyed this day!!! I worked in the kitchen all day while Drew played and I was able to get so much accomplished! :) I will be doing this MORE often... and next time I hope to invite a friend or two over to join me so we can exchange recipes and ideas! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I LOVE getting to help in the boys' classes!!! I try to attend as many field trips and as many activities as possible and go in once a week to volunteer in the classroom... this TRULY makes me happy to get to take part in their school days! So.... during registration I signed up for EVERYTHING I could... including TYE DYING!! :) I was so excited at the thought of coming in and helping all of the students tye dye their shirts. - - HOW FUN!! :) Until... the day I realized that I signed up to TYE DYE all of their shirts by myself... in my OWN home! OH MY!!! :) I have NEVER tye dyed before!! NEVER! EEEK... what have I gotten myself in to??? THANKFULLY my friend Katie offered to help me... cuz she too was suckered in to this last year!! :) ha! Although I was stressed.... it turned out to be a PIECE OF CAKE!! :) Katie showed me the ropes and we got all of the shirts tye dyed in no time!! They turned out PERFECT too!! :) THANK YOU for the help Katie!! :) I will probably volunteer one more time when my little one gets to first grade!! :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Peek - A - BOO!!!

No one will find me in here... :) he he he!
I LOVE this little boy!! :) Even though he can be a stinker from time to time... he sure has stole my heart!!! I am soooo grateful to be spending my days with him!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Successful Shopping Trip - - 31 Party

You know you have done well when the children in your van look like this on the way home from a quick but successful shopping trip!!! :) Jodi and I ran to Sioux City for some groceries for our 31 party for Sunday! We got LOTS of yummy food and had a GREAT party too!!! :)

Here's a peek at our party too...

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Have you ever seen cuter fans??? :) Today was the BIG Iowa/Iowa State game... and sadly the Hawkeyes couldn't pull off a win! We still love them anyways... Go Hawks!! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Parker had so much fun playing 3rd-4th grade football this year! They did GREAT and had a GREAT team!! They won 5 games and lost 2 for the season. 

This was Parker's first year getting to play tackle football... with full pads. In the past he has always done flag football (In Waukee)! 

We all enjoyed getting to go to the games and practices... and met some really great people along the way!! :) Here are a few pictures from the season!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sioux City LUNCH DATE!! :)

We went to Sioux City shopping over the weekend to get some decor items... and met up with the Lansinks for lunch at the mall!! :) There was a train the kids could ride but I was too cheap and we settled for some fun on the little play area by the food court!! The boys also ran into the arcade for a bit and then wanted to try the hurricane tube by the movie theatre! We had a good trip!! :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kitchen DECOR...

We are FINALLY getting around to doing some more decorating!! Our basement has LOTS of barn wood on the walls so we are planning to slowly take off pieces for crafts and when they are all off we will drywall it! :) My husband was so kind to get me a few pieces for my first few projects...

We are getting there... one room at a time we are making this house a HOME!! :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

FAVORITE Dinner!!!

Tonight we had the BEST dinner!!! Nick grilled steaks and I made potatoes and zucchini boats!! It was soooo good! :) This will DEFINITELY be on the menu again soon! :)