Friday, February 22, 2013

Our Union Soldier

Mrs. Ludvigson's and Mrs. Glawe's 3rd grade classes had a Patriotic Program for their mothers on Thursday at the school! It was such a GREAT program... my only complaint is that I wish dad's and grandparents could have came to see it too! --- I forgot to bring my camcorder so I didn't get it recorded! :( 

The program covered several significant events from our country's history... Parker was a union soldier from the Civil War. We ended up ordering a costume online... and will re-use it at Halloween! ;) He had 2 speaking parts (conversing with the confederate soldier) and did GREAT! :)

Some of Parker's friends in the program were:
Beau Neiman - Confederate Soldier
Beau McCormick - Teddy Roosevelt
Evan VanHouten - Paul Revere
Jackson Godberson - George Washington
Jaxson Claussen - Abraham Lincoln

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Cute!! What an cute soilder boy! ha