Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

We have had a FUN time getting ready for Easter at our house! The boys had a 4-day weekend!!! We died eggs on Friday, had a few Easter egg hunts on Saturday, got presents from Nina Wilson, went to church on Sunday then on to Nina and Papa Hamann's for another egg hunt, scavenger hunt and a yummy lunch!!!

Dying Eggs...

Ida Grove Easter Party and Egg Hunt...
We won twice on the cake walk!!! Owen won the cookies and Drew won the bunny cake!! :)

Here is Drew at his egg hunt!! :) 

Ta-da! ;)

I didn't get a picture of Owen for his hunt... there were LOTS of kids and mud!! ;) Parker didn't get to participate this year... they stopped at 2nd grade! --- oh he is getting old!! ;) Nina Wilson came to the Skate Palace too to see the boys!

Here are all 3 boys with more winnings... Owen won a bunny and I won one for Drew!! ;)

After the hunt we  went back to our house for presents from Nina Wilson...

Drew opening his presents from Nina.

Owen... excited as usual!! ;)

Parker showing off his new NIKE attire! ;)

While we were dying Easter eggs on Friday... Parker said to me, "Mom, don't crack them or they won't hatch!" --- bless his little heart... so I decided to make some eggs that 'hatched' for Parker... Deviled eggs that is!! :) -- we took these to Nina and Papa Hamann's for Easter lunch!!

Egg hunt at our house...

The Easter Bunny came!!!! Parker and Owen were SOOO excited to FINALLY get new Wii remotes!!! We have had 4 but 1 was completely broke and 2 were on their last legs!!! :) They also got some football and baseball stickers for their collector's books and new DS chargers for the car and some candy!! Drew got Team Oomi-Zoomi toys, new water bottles, bubbles and candy! They were all very happy!! :)

Nina and Papa Hamann's house is always a crowd pleaser!!! :)  Nina makes a great lunch, then has the kids go on a scavenger hunt to find their Easter baskets and then on to an egg hunt outside! :)

All of the cousins...

NEW JAMMIES from Nina and Papa Hamann!! :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013


I am actually SCREAMING this tittle.... with excitement of course!! :) We have not had a (useable) bathtub in our house for over a year!!! My poor little 2 year old started taking showers at age 1! :( He is SOOOO excited to have a tub again!! :) He took the first bath... and as you can see in the background it is not even done or tiled yet... but this little man wanted a BATH!!! :) --- thank you Nick, Papa and Adam for the help... we have one VERY HAPPY little guy!! :)

Friday, March 29, 2013


It has been TOO long since we went out for some hibachi food... so tonight was the night!! :) We tried Tokyo in Sioux City (which was AMAZING)!!! Owen and Parker LOVE going to hibachi restaurants and Drew had never been!! They all had a great time!! :) 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Las Vegas Night

We took the boys to Las Vegas Night at the school tonight! We went last year too.. and it is a FUN night out for the family! :) We went early and had dinner there, signed up for some raffle prizes and then went on in to play!! They have several games such as minnow races, basketball, cake walk, frog jump, etc. and prizes for the kids... but this year we bought WAY TOO MANY tickets... we couldn't even use them all up! Oh well, lesson learned! ;) THANKS for a FUN night OA-BCIG!! :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MOPS Cupcakes

I have been going to MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) in Alta this past year with a couple of friends and I LOVE it!! They have guest speakers and do fun crafts each meeting, which is twice a month! They also host MNO - - Mom's Night Out once in a while and I love that too!! :) This week we made cupcakes for our craft... and they are so CUTE!! 

From top left to right here is what we made...
Lightening McQueen

Bottom left...
Cookie Monster


Bottom Right...

Aren't they FUN!!! --- so much work... but FUN!!! :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More CrAfTy Projects...

I have been OBSESSED with crafting and re-doing furniture!! I have purchased some and have re-done some of my own!! Here are some of the projects I have been working on...

Fundraiser Donation...
I made this barnboard sign for Las Vegas Night for the school fundraiser! 

Engagement Photos...
My friend Meredith is getting married this fall and wanted a barnboard sign for her engagement photos... she had a pic from PINTEREST that she wanted it to look like so I made it up for her!! :)

I bought an old buffet at an auction almost 20 years ago for $5... I have been wanting to redo it forever... and finally got around to it!!



We are still in the process of finishing our master bath... and I wanted a FUN, unique vanity, so I bought a buffet table and shabbied it and we will put our double vanity granite top on it when we complete the bathroom!! :) I can hardly wait to have it installed!!!

MANY MORE projects to come!!! :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

I {HEART} Pinterest...

I do... I do... {HEART} Pinterest!! I get so many FUN ideas on there that I can make to help decorate my home!! :) I am a pinning fool!! :) It's ok though... because I don't just pin things and never use them... I use Pinterest DAILY... whether it be for a recipe or for a craft project!!

Here is a START to our dining room make-over!! (More pics to come when I get it all decorated!!)

Pinterest Picture Frames... (I am so glad to be able to finally use my picture ledge!!)

Pinterest Barn board box with Hydrangias... (Nick was my helper on this... and I love the way it turned out!!) --- now to find a cute runner for the table!! :)

Before and After pics coming soon!!