Saturday, April 27, 2013

Drew and his Girlfriend!!

We spent the day getting things done around the house today, both inside and out... and it was a GORGEOUS day!! Nick put the screens on the windows and took down Christmas lights (he hasn't been able to do this with his eye so was SO HAPPY to finally get them down)!! I worked on laundry, screens and some more craft projects! Then after dinner tonight we went on a little walk and ended up at the Lansink's! Drew drove his motor cycle and Brylie wanted a ride!! :)  After our walk we took the kids to Cenex for some ice cream (Drew and Parker picked slushes)!! It was a GREAT day! :)

Here are a couple of cute pics of Drew and Brylie (aren't they precious)!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


After a LONG, exhausting winter driving back and forth to Des Moines numerous times... our house in Waukee has FINALLY sold!!! WOOHOO!! While it has been an emotional journey (for me) and frustrating for us both... we are very THANKFUL to be able to close this chapter of our lives.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Evening for Education

I was able to attend the Evening for Education event on Sunday night! Julie Godberson invited me to go with her, Patti, Jodi, Carol and Rita and sit at the Gomaco table! It was a FUN night out... and for such a GREAT cause - - scholarships for OA-BCIG students!! The Skate Palace was all decorated from having prom the night before.. so such a fun themed event!! :) We had a GREAT meal (and dessert) and then had an auction and live entertainment which was amazing - an Acapella group!! -- THANKS for the invite Julie!!

Jodi snapped a picture with some of our favorite friends... but we didn't get one of us at our table! - Darn!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Contraction Surgery!! :)

Owen's class is working on using 'contractions' and today when I went in to volunteer... they got to be DOCTORS and perform CONTRACTION SURGERY!!! :) They each got a surgical kit with their names on it... and Mrs. White, Mrs. Meisner and I were the attending physicians to help them!! :) They cut with the scalpel (a.k.a. scissors) the bone out and then cut the letters that are REMOVED to form the contraction... once they had the contraction figured out... they put a bandaid on the part of the bone that was cut to stick the 2 pieces together and to make it look like an apostrophe!  It was absolutely ADORABLE!!! :) 

Here's a peek!! :)


Monday, April 15, 2013


Don't get too excited... we just tried them out for a few hours!!! But boy he sure looks all grown up in them!! --- Let's hope he will be wearing them SOON! :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


3 years ago our family grew by one more boy... the perfect addition to complete our family!! Drew Isaac Hamann, you are such a sweet little boy and I am so thankful that I get to be your mommy!! Happy 3rd Birthday Drewby Doo!!! 

Drew wanted a TOY STORY birthday... and that's what he got!! ;) We had our families and then he asked for 1 friend... sweet little Brylie!! :)  


Papa and Owen being SILLY!!! :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Wendy & Chris Ullrich invited the Lansink's and us to go to the Chris Tomlin concert in Omaha!! THANK YOU to Nina and Papa Hamann for watching our boys so we could go!!! --- we REALLY APPRECIATE YOU!!! 

We got to leave later in the afternoon and had a great dinner at Long Horn Steak House before the concert!! It was Chris Tomlin's BURNING LIGHTS TOUR and Kari Jobe sang too... it was absolutely AMAZING! So uplifting!! We will definitely be going to more of his concerts!!! Nick and I both think we will even take the boys with us... we think they would LOVE it!! :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Little HELP in the Kitchen!!

Drew wanted to help frost the cookies for his BIRTHDAY PARTY... so here is our little monkey 'helping out'!! :) --- I LOVE this boy!! :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An Eye Appointment and a Little FUN!!

We had to go to Des Moines for Nick's eye appointment Tuesday... so Drew and I decided to run errands since he was having a study and some testing done this time! The older boys were busing to Battle Creek to Nina and Papa Hamann's house after school!! 

After Drew did a good job getting his hair cut we decided to run into the play area at Walmart after I got my shopping done!! Here is Drew flying a HELICOPTER! ;)

Nick's eye is remaining the same... pressure is fluctuating between a 6-8 and they would like it around a 12 ideally! He is continuing with the prescription drops and his appointments are slowing down a bit. We go back to Ft Dodge in a few weeks and see what the next step is (praying it is NOT Iowa City next)!! He is getting a little frustrated... this has been a LONG journey!! It is FINALLY starting to look better tho... surgery was in January... and just now in April it looks like it is starting to heal! :) He still isn't supposed to lift too much and doesn't have any vision in the eye. We are praying for it to heal and increase in pressure so he can get a contact and try to regain some sight! --Poor Nick.. he doesn't enjoy not getting to be his busy... hard-working self! ;) 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Playing at the Park...

Nick had to run his vehicle over to Odebolt for a recall so Drew and I decided to follow along and go play at the park in the center of town for a bit! We had never been there before... and it was a gorgeous day out!! :) 

Even Wrigley got to go for a little walk and play at the park too! :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sleepover FUN!!

Parker and Owen had BOTH been begging for a sleep over and between all of our trips to Waukee for the house and Ft. Dodge/Des Moines for Nick's eye appointments we hadn't had one in awhile... so we had one Saturday!! Parker had Jackson and Owen had Myles!! It was a BEAUTIFUL day... so they spent most of the evening playing football outside! Chase and Jaxson also stopped over to play for a bit but were gone by the time I got my camera out!! ;)

Drew saw Jeren outside... and yelled across the street for him to come over and play with him!! :) He came!! :) He blew bubbles with Drew and played catch! Drew had the BEST time... thank you Jeren for playing with him!!! --- he LOVES to get to play with those big boys in the neighborhood!! :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

CRAFTY Wood Creations...

I made some porch signs out of my barn board for the gal who won my "SPRING" sign at Las Vegas Night... here are how the other 3 turned out! -- I LOVE THEM! Time to make more for my front porch!! :)

The first one is the one from Las Vegas Night...

I have been making some random things for my friend Mere's wedding.. and we tried this out to potentially be the way she displays the table #'s!! --- These are wood distressed and chalkboards added to them!!! We are still brainstorming lots of different ideas!! ;)