Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An Eye Appointment and a Little FUN!!

We had to go to Des Moines for Nick's eye appointment Tuesday... so Drew and I decided to run errands since he was having a study and some testing done this time! The older boys were busing to Battle Creek to Nina and Papa Hamann's house after school!! 

After Drew did a good job getting his hair cut we decided to run into the play area at Walmart after I got my shopping done!! Here is Drew flying a HELICOPTER! ;)

Nick's eye is remaining the same... pressure is fluctuating between a 6-8 and they would like it around a 12 ideally! He is continuing with the prescription drops and his appointments are slowing down a bit. We go back to Ft Dodge in a few weeks and see what the next step is (praying it is NOT Iowa City next)!! He is getting a little frustrated... this has been a LONG journey!! It is FINALLY starting to look better tho... surgery was in January... and just now in April it looks like it is starting to heal! :) He still isn't supposed to lift too much and doesn't have any vision in the eye. We are praying for it to heal and increase in pressure so he can get a contact and try to regain some sight! --Poor Nick.. he doesn't enjoy not getting to be his busy... hard-working self! ;) 

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