Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy 12th Anniversary to Us!! :)

Nick surprised me by asking his parents to watch the boys so we could go out to dinner together for our 12th anniversary!! :) It was a MUCH NEEDED get-away and the boys ended up sleeping over at Nina and Papa's!! :)  --- darn it... we should have squeezed in a movie!! ;) We went to Sioux City and ate at Tokyo (my fav)!! It was delicious as usual! THANK YOU Nina and Papa for keeping the boys!!! We enjoyed the evening!! 

Before we left... Owen did a photo shoot for us!!! ha!! :)

And.... THERE it is... :)

Happy Anniversary Nick!!! I LOVE you so much and am so THANKFUL for you!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Owen!!!

For Owen's actual birthday he wanted Ethan Behrendsen to sleep over Friday night... and then on Saturday we went to Sioux City to have lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings!! Ethan didn't want to stay for lunch... but they had a great time until then! :)

Happy 7th Birthday Owen!!! --- We love you more and more everyday!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013


 Parker is loving baseball this year!! He is on the traveling team of 3rd/4th graders and he is learning tons!! He is #2!! He has been playing short stop mostly and has games on Wednesdays and Friday nights! GO FALCONS!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Parker had been asking for a haircut for summer... and since we had another eye appointment in Ft. Dodge, we decided to take the plunge! ;) Owen went first 9and he wanted to be able to SPIKE it)... and after Parker saw how much he was getting off... he decided he just wanted a little cut with scissors... no clippers!! :) Dramatic for my little Owen... but it has grown on me and I love both of their new 'do's'!! :) 


Monday, May 20, 2013

Awards Day!!

This was one SAD Mommy on Awards day... not because my babies are growing (which is also true) but because I MISSED awards day!! :( I completely spaced it off and didn't even realize it until 2pm and the ceremony was at 9!! :( I felt absolutely AWFUL!! :( THANKFULLY Nina Hamann went and captured some on camera for me!! THANK YOU Nina!! 

The boys weren't mad that I missed either --- phew! ;) We had to go get ice cream after this day!! :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

We didn't do anything special for Mother's Day... but we snapped a few pics of the family!! :) Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there!! :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Owen's Birthday Bash!!

We celebrated Owen's birthday early to avoid missing some friends over Memorial weekend! It was a beautiful day and he had a pretty GREAT birthday!! :)  This is the first birthday that Owen asked to invite GIRLS... so it was fun making the guest list with him!! :) Some were unable to make it... but he had a great turn out and I think he had a great time as well! :)

Baseball Birthday Party!!!

For favors we did balls/bats for each kid, big league chew, cracker jacks and their pinata candy!!

Make A WISH...

Present time...

Pinata time...

After the pinata... we decided to take a walk down to the elementary and play for a while there!! They took bats/balls and gloves and some played a little baseball and others on the playground equipment!! 


BUBBLE Blowing...

More Playground FUN...

The WHOLE Bunch (minus Leyton who left early)!!