Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy 12th Anniversary to Us!! :)

Nick surprised me by asking his parents to watch the boys so we could go out to dinner together for our 12th anniversary!! :) It was a MUCH NEEDED get-away and the boys ended up sleeping over at Nina and Papa's!! :)  --- darn it... we should have squeezed in a movie!! ;) We went to Sioux City and ate at Tokyo (my fav)!! It was delicious as usual! THANK YOU Nina and Papa for keeping the boys!!! We enjoyed the evening!! 

Before we left... Owen did a photo shoot for us!!! ha!! :)

And.... THERE it is... :)

Happy Anniversary Nick!!! I LOVE you so much and am so THANKFUL for you!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Happy Anniversary!!! you two look so cute!!