Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Our Little Bike Rider

Drew LOVES riding his tractor, motorcycle and gator (all power wheels) but every now and then we can get him to go for a bike ride!! ;) He sure is getting BIG!!! :) We love this little guy!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Off to JAIL...

Parker had Beau Neiman sleep over last night and the kids were wanting something fun to do... so they got some money out of their piggy banks and we went to Dollar General! Parker decided to buy some handcuffs with his own money!! ;) The boys played cops and robbers that afternoon.. and poor Drewby was always getting caught!! ;) ha! :) It was so cute to watch... as I was remembering when I was a kid doing the same thing! :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Playing at the Park

 We got to spend a little time with the Edsen girls on Monday!! Nina and Papa were keeping them for a few days and Nina had an appointment, so Grace and Caroline came to play! :) We walked to the elementary and played at the park for a bit until it started raining!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy 40th Anniversary!!

We had a GREAT weekend with the Hamann's (celebrating their 40th Anniversary)!! Saturday we did pictures at Portrait Innovations in Sioux City in the morning as a whole family then lunch, and then we did some shopping before heading back to Ida Grove for church with everyone! After church we went to Wall Lake for dinner at the Hayloft!! It was such a fun day!! :)  We were so glad to spend the day with everyone!

Then on Sunday we went over to Nina and Papa's for lunch and some swimming while the guys finished up the ceiling under their new sunroom! What a relaxing day!!! :)

Happy 40th Anniversary Nina and Papa!!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Random Summer Pictures

Having a little fun during the summer!

Drew and Uncle Bubba!

Playing at the Elementary!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Nina -- and POOR DREW!! :(

We were over at Nina and Papa's house for Nina's birthday and while we were finishing up dinner and chatting, Drew was outside with Owen and went to open the storm door and we all heard the door slam and Drew scream! We ran out and he was bleeding from his eyebrow! :( Nick and I ran him to the ER quick and Nina and Papa brought the other 2 boys home. Poor Drew had to get his eyebrow glued back together! He was such a BRAVE little boy!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer FUN

Parker got to go to Evan VanHouten's birthday party at Kings Pointe in Storm Lake... and he had such a GREAT time!! Traci shared a few pictures with me... so I thought I would include them in the blog! :) THANK YOU for including Parker!!!

Parker and Owen both had sleepovers the other night (Jackson and Myles)... we ended up going to Denison for supper and treats!! A stop at McDonalds and Tropical Sno!! :)


Then we found out from Dana that her brother-in-law was hosting a football camp in town! As a part of his camp he had Tevin Washington, the quarterback from Georgia Tech there as well! The boys were so excited to go meet him... but of course were SUPER shy when we got there!! :)

Who doesn't LOVE a nice cold glass of lemonade on a hot day?? The boys had a great time selling lemonade out on the corner!! -- They made $19.75 too!! Lucky boys!! :)

We found out that Wrigley LOVES to swim!!! :) He jumped in Nina and Papa's pool one day while we were there swimming, so the next day we took him out to Crawford Creek to do a little swimming!! It was SO FUN watching him swim!! :) We ran into Kadon Miller there too! :) The boys had a BLAST... minus all of the scratches they got from Wrigley's 'doggy paddle'!! :)

Lots of pool time at Nina and Papa's!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Drew's NEW Haircut

We had to go to Ft. Dodge today for another eye appointment for Nick! Unfortunately, no change in his eye... the pressure is still at a 6 so he will be going next month to see a specialist in Iowa City now! We are continuing to pray for healing so he can get a contact and try to restore some vision in that eye... it has been 6 months since the surgery! :(

On a bright note... Drewby wanted a haircut today... so we ran in to Great Clips and got him one!!! :) Here is our little cutie patootie!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mom's VS. Son's Baseball

Parker's coaches had a GREAT idea at the end of the baseball season.... a friendly game of MOM'S VS SONS!! :) Owen even got to play too! :) We had a picnic first... and then played ball!! :) --- despite a little pain when running home... it was a GREAT game!! :) We tied... so all were happy in the end!!  This was so much FUN... I loved the idea!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th!!

This year Nina and Papa Hamann are celebrating 40 years of marriage... so we all were able to get together and celebrate the 4th of July with a BBQ at their house!! The kids all had a BLAST as usual, swimming and playing all day! It was so nice to spend some time with everyone... lots of the family was able to make it!!

After the BBQ we all headed up for the annual 4th of July parade in Battle Creek!! This year we were on a float!! :) The Hamann float! :) We all had such a great time!! THANK YOU Nina and Papa Hamann for a fun-filled day!!