Monday, August 26, 2013

1st Day of PRESCHOOL

He is BIG... He is BIG!!! Drew Isaac has been patiently waiting to go to school like his BIG brothers... and today is the day!!! He is SO excited to start 3 year old preschool today!!! He gets to go Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-3:30pm... so he gets picked up after school with his big brothers!! :) While I am sad to see my baby go... his JOY warms my heart and I know he is READY!! ;) Have a WONDERFUL day my sweet baby Drew!!

Drew had BIG plans for the day... First he wanted to do something FUN!! So he played playdough while I was working on my screen orders!! :)

Then he told me, "I don't want to eat at home for lunch... I want Subway!" So we took our little monkey out for lunch before school!! :) We ran into Allyson, Myles and Journey while we were there too!! :)

We LOVE our little goofy boy!! :) He makes us smile everyday!!

Brylie is in his class... and he is super excited about that!!!

Oh... this site just melted my heart... to see my baby walking out of school like a big boy!! :)

And of course there MUST be an after school treat for the FIRST day!!! :) 

He had a GREAT day!!! He LOVES school and can't wait to go back again!! :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1st Day of School

The boys are all super excited for school this year!! Parker is going to be a 4th grader and has Mrs. Snyder and Owen is going to be a 2nd grader and has Mrs. Warnke! We hope it's a GREAT school year!!!

Drew starts preschool next week... so stay tuned.... :)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Omaha FUN! - Part 2

We had not been to the zoo since my dad was still alive! He took me, Nick and Parker and my mom and grandma in August of 2005! We LOVED it then... and we LOVED it now!! It has changed so much... and was SO MUCH FUN! The kids all enjoyed it... we will definitely return! :) *** Picture OVERLOAD!!