Friday, August 16, 2013

Omaha FUN!! - Part 1

We took a last little summer get-a-way to Omaha this weekend!! We visited the zoo, did some shopping, played mini golf, swam and ate at some new places!! It was a GREAT weekend away... just what we needed!! :)

Who knew Scheels could be so much fun??? :) They had a ferris wheel inside!! :) Then after spending too much money on Parker for Football... we went outside and had a little history lesson!! ;) ha!

Before we started... the boys wanted to try out 'Trampoline Basketball'.. so here they are BOUNCING to make a basket!! ;) 

Let the game begin...

Nick won... I came in second and then Owen, Parker and Drew!! This was DEFINITELY something we want to do again as a family!! We had so much FUN!! :)


Taking a dip in the pool!!

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